Following extinction, stimulating VPGABA neurons augments reinstatement in a cue- and context-dependent manner. A-B) CNO treatment (blue bar) in hM3Dq rats augmented opioid seeking in Context A with cues relative to vehicle (black bar), but no effect was detected in controls (light gray bar versus black bar). C-D) CNO treatment (blue bar) in hM3Dq rats increased opioid seeking in Context A with no cues relative to vehicle, but no effect was seen in controls (light gray bar versus black bar). E-F) CNO (blue bar) in hM3Dq rats increased opioid seeking in Context B with cues, relative to vehicle treatment (black bar), but no effect was observed in controls (light gray bar versus black bar). G-H) CNO treatment in hM3Dq rats (blue bar) or controls (light gray bar) was without effect on opioid reinstatement in Context B with no cues, relative to vehicle treatment (black bars). Dark gray overlaid bars with white outline represent inactive lever presses, and light gray lines depict individual rats’ active lever pressing. p* < 0.05. Data presented as mean + SEM.