Fig. 13.
Comparison of Loss Function distribution for 1 MB GM12878 cell Hi-C data. A A boxplot showing the DSCC value distribution of `3D output structure of 1 MB GM12878 cell Hi-C data chromosome 1 to 23 obtained by using loss functions SSE, RMSE, Huber-0.9, Huber -0.5, Huber-0.1, and MSE B A Comparison of the average DSCC value of 1 MB GM12878 cell Hi-C data chromosome 1 to 23 obtained by using loss functions SSE, RMSE, Huber-0.9, Huber -0.5, Huber-0.1, and MSE. The Y-axis denotes the DSCC metric score in the range [-1,1], and X-axis denotes the loss function. A higher DSCC value is better