BMEC-to-HS27a ratio impacts endothelial network architecture. BMEC-GFP and HS27a-RFP were encapsulated in 8:1, 4:1, and 2:1 ratios, cultured for 14 days, and then labeled with Hoechst and imaged. The results show that 8:1 cultures form more intricately branched networks than 4:1 cultures, while 2:1 cultures show much less interconnectivity. HS27a-RFP is associated with BMEC-GFP structures in all conditions (a). The white arrow indicates the pericyte-like association of HS27a with BMEC. The white outlined arrow indicates a branch point. Scale = 100 µm. The number of HS27a directly in contact with BMEC structures increases over time in all BMEC:HS27a ratios (b). The total branch length is similar between BMEC:HS27a ratios (d), while 8:1 cultures show the largest number of branch points (c), indicating a more intricately branched network. Each bar represents nine images across three separate hydrogels. Error bars represent standard deviation.