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. 2022 Sep 2;12(9):1225. doi: 10.3390/biom12091225

Table 2.

Renal pathophysiology in the NA-STZ rodent model.

Rodent Model (NA/STZ, mg/kg) Analysis Time Point after NA/STZ Injections Measured Renal Pathophysiology Reference
Rat (200/55) 2 months Increased serum Cre and proteinuria, advanced glomerulosclerosis [51]
Rat (110/65) 4 weeks Increased kidney index and BUN, decreased NAD and ATP contents in renal cells, increased oxidative damage [52]
Rat (110/65) 6 weeks Increased renal triglycerides, enlarged Bowman’s capsule, Congested glomeruli, elevated serum Cre and BUN [53]
Rat (200/65) 2 weeks Increased renal vitamin A and C [54]
Rat (110/55) 4 weeks Increased BUN and serum creatinine, increased renal Oxidative stress, and decreased renal antioxidants [49]
Rat (230/65) 30 days Increased levels of serum urea, uric acid, creatinine, and BUN [55]
Rat (200/55) 21 days Increased urinary α1-macroglobulin excretion, increased serum uric acid and BUN, and enlarged glomerular diameter [56]
Rat (120/50) 4 weeks Elevated serum fructosamine, increased serum creatinine and urea [57]
Rat (100/50) 8 weeks Increased urinary N-acetyl-β-D-glucosaminidase, urea uric acid, and Cre [58]
Rat (110/65) 6 weeks Increased serum Cre, BUN, and uric acid [59]
Rat (110/65) 6 weeks Increased kidney–body index, elevated levels of serum Cre, BUN, uric acid, and urinary protein [60]
Mouse (180/60/HFD) 8 weeks Increased serum Cre and kidney–body index [61]
Rat (110/65) 4 weeks Increased serum Cre and BUN [62]
Rat (230/65) 45 days Elevated levels of BUN, serum uric acid, and Cre [63]
Rat (230/65) 8 weeks Increased ratio of urinary albumin to urinary Cre [64]
Rat (230/65) 12 weeks Increased albuminuria and increased serum Cre [65]
Rat (110/65) 35 days Increase in histological tubular injury [66]
Rat (230/65) 30 days Increased levels of serum urea, uric acid, Cre, and BUN [67]
Rat (110/45) 45 days Multiple foci of hemorrhage, necrosis, and swelling tubules [68]
Rat (120/40) 4 weeks Increased BUN and serum Cre, increased kidney index and glomerular size [69]
Mouse (120/60) 5 weeks Increased levels of BUN, serum Cre, uric acid, and urea, elevated levels of urine protein [70]
Rat (110/65) 40 days Increased levels of urea, uric acid, and Cre in the sera [71]
Rat (120/60) 5 weeks Increased renal tubular vacuolation and tubular degeneration [72]
Rat (120/60) 45 days Increased levels of serum urea, uric acid, and Cre [73]
Rat (85/65) 8 weeks Increased serum glucose, urea, and Cre with albuminuria [74]
Rat (110/55) 6 weeks Increase in: Kim-1, serum Cre, BUN, uric acid, and urine albumin/Cre ratio [75]
Rat (110/55) 6 weeks Glomerular and tubular injuries observed histochemically [76]
Rat (230/65) 12 weeks Increased serum Cre and albumin to Cre ratio, glomerular and tubular injury observed histochemically [48]
Rat (230/55) 6 weeks Increased serum Cre and BUN with decreased urine Cre [77]
Mouse (240/100/HFD) 8 weeks Increased microphage infiltration in the kidney [78]
Rat (230/65) 45 days Increased levels of blood urea, uric acid, BUN, and Cre [79]
Rat (110/55) 28 days Decreased Cre clearance, increased BUN and uric acid, increased urine protein contents [80]
Rat (110/65) 21 days Decrased renal antioxidant power with increased renal oxidative damage [81]
Rat (230/65) 12 weeks Increased hemorrhage and neutrophils gathering in the kidney [82]
Rat (110/50) 30 days Decrease in Cre clearance, tubular lumen dilation, swelling of proximal tubular cells with tubular cell necrosis and intraluminal casts [83]
Rat (100/60) 4 weeks Increased kidney index, increased urine albumin, thickening of the basement membrane of renal tubule [84]
Rat (110/45) 45 days Increased levels of Cre and proteinuria, podocyte hypertrophy [85]
Mouse (120/100) 4 weeks Increased fibrotic deposition in the kidney [86]
Rat (120/60) 60 days Increased urine volume and urine albumin, increased serum uric acid [87]
Rat (110/65) 4 weeks Tubules with vacuolated cells, glomerulai exhibiting mesangial thickening [88]
Rat (120/60) 28 days Increased blood urea, glomerular enlargement, and sclerosis [89]
Rat (110/65) 45 days Increased fatty acid contents in the kidney [90]
Rat (210/55) 8 weeks Increased BUN and serum Cre with elevated proteinuria [19]
Rat (110/50) 6 weeks Increased serum Cre, uric acid, and proteinuria, decrease in creatinine clearance [91]
Rat (110/55) 28 days Increased BUN, serum creatinine, and uric acid with proteinuria [92]
Rat (100/55) 28 days Increased serum Cre and urea, glomerular architecture deranged [93]

Abbreviations: BUN, blood urea nitrogen; Cre, creatinine; HFD, high fat diet.