SDS-PAGE analysis of LOS isolated from various N. gonorrhoeae transformation mutants with pNS44lgtABE or pNS44lgtABΔE. The plasmid pNS44lgtABΔE gene was introduced into F62 ΔlgtA, and the plasmid pNS44lgtABE gene was introduced into F62 ΔlgtA ΔlgtE, by spot transformation. Transformants were isolated based on their changes in reactivity with MAb 2-1-L8, and LOS samples were isolated and analyzed on Tris-Tricine gel. Lanes: 1, N. gonorrhoeae F62; 2, N. gonorrhoeae F62 ΔlgtA transformed with pNS44lgtABΔE; 3, N. gonorrhoeae F62 ΔlgtA; 4, N. gonorrhoeae F62 ΔlgtA ΔlgtE transformed with pNS44lgtABE; 5, N. gonorrhoeae F62 ΔlgtA ΔlgtE.