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. 2022 Aug 5;11(16):e025644. doi: 10.1161/JAHA.122.025644

Table 1.

Overview of Genome‐Wide Association Studies Used as Instrumental Variables

Risk factor (reference) Cohort(s) Measurement unit* Sample size Ancestry

No. SNPs

(MVP/GoLEAD‐SUMMIT) of total identified

% Variance explained F‐statistic

Sample overlap


Sample overlap


Glucose metabolism
Type 2 diabetes 27 Meta‐analysis >30 cohorts Odds of type 2 diabetes 898 130 European 280/281 of 403 16.3% for 403 SNPs 165 none 96%
Fasting glucose 28 MAGIC Consortium (new data meta‐analyzed with 4 existing GWASs) mmol/L 133 010 European 35/35 of 36 4.8% For 36 SNPs 350 none 0.5%
Lipid metabolism
LDL‐C 29 Meta‐analysis >40 cohorts 1 SD increase in LDL‐C 188 577 Predominantly European 53/54 of 58 14.6% for 58 SNPs 784 none 5%
HDL‐C 29 Meta‐analysis >40 cohorts 1 SD increase in HDL‐C 188 577 Predominantly European 65/65 of 71 13.7 for 71 SNPs 593 none 5%
Triglycerides 29 Meta‐analysis >40 cohorts 1 SD increase in triglycerides 188 577 Predominantly European 35/35 of 40 11.7% for 40 SNPs 920 none 5%
Smoking initiation 30 GSCAN Consortium (>30 cohorts) Ever smoked regularly compared with never smoked 1 232 091 European 346/360 of 378 2.3% for 378 SNPs 17 none 31%
Smoking cessation 30 GSCAN Consortium (>30 cohorts) Current compared with former smokers 547 219 European 21/21 of 24 0.1% For 24 SNPs 11 none 42%
Smoking heaviness/cigarettes per day 30

GSCAN Consortium

(>30 cohorts)

SD increase in number of cigarettes smoked daily 337 334 European 45/47 of 55 ≈1% for 55 SNPs 55 none 88%
Alcohol consumption 30 GSCAN Consortium (>30 cohorts) SD of log‐transformed alcoholic drinks/week 941 280 European 84/90 of 99 ≈0.2% for 99 SNPs 5.8 none 75%
Coffee consumption 31 UK Biobank; Nurses' Health Study; Health Professionals Follow‐Up Study; Women's Genome Health Study 50% increase 375 833 (374 046 for rs117692895) European 14/14 of 15 0.48% for 15 SNPs 84 none 90%
Physical activity
Physical activity, MVPA 32 UK Biobank SD increase in MET‐minutes /wk of MVPA 377 234 European 7/7 of 9 0.073% for 9 SNPs 25 none 82%
Sedentary behavior 33 UK Biobank SD increase in sedentary time 91 105 European 4/4 of 4 0.08% for 4 SNPs 48 none 20%
Insomnia 34 UK Biobank; 23 and Me Odds of Insomnia 1 331 010 European 229/238 of 248 2.6% for 248 SNPs 28 none 84%
Sleep duration 35 UK Biobank H/d 446 118 European 75/78 of 78 0.69% for 78 SNPs 23 none 90%
Long sleep duration 35 UK Biobank ≥9 h compared with 7–8 h/d 446 118 European 7/7 of 8 Not available Not available none 74%
Short sleep duration 35 UK Biobank <7 h compared with 7–8 h /d 446 118 European 27/26 of 27 Not available Not available none 89%
Education level 36 Meta‐analysis >70 cohorts 1 SD increase in years of educational attainment 1 131 881 European 1155/1201 of 1271 11–13% for 1271 SNPS 29 none 90%

GSCAN indicates GWAS and Sequencing Consortium of Alcohol and Nicotine Use; GWAS, Genome‐wide association study; HDL‐C, high‐density lipoprotein cholesterol; LDL‐C, low‐density lipoprotein cholesterol; MAGIC, Meta‐Analysis of Glucose and Insulin related traits Consortium; MET, metabolic equivalent of task; MVP, Million Veteran Program; MVPA, moderate to vigorous physical activity; and SNP, single nucleotide polymorphism.


Units as used in this Mendelian randomization study.

Not reported, calculated using the formula: r2=2×Minor Allele Frequency×(1 – Minor Allele Frequency)×(beta/SD)2.