Figure 3. Correlations between gut bacteria and quantitative OCT/IVUS features at the genus level.
The figure shows the correlations between gut bacteria quantitative OCT/IVUS features at the genus level. Eight bacteria, 5 bacteria, and 5 bacteria (6 bacteria, 5 bacteria, and 4 bacteria excluding unidentified bacteria and ambiguous taxa) were associated with positive correlations with area stenosis, lipid index, and calcification index, respectively. Nine bacteria (7 bacteria excluding unidentified bacteria) were associated with negative correlations with FCT measured. Eighteen bacteria, 7 bacteria, and 12 bacteria (14 bacteria, 3 bacteria, and 10 bacteria excluding unidentified bacteria and ambiguous taxa) were associated with positive correlations with PAV, PB, and TAVnormalized measured by IVUS, respectively. c_ indicates class level; f_, family level; FCT, fibrous cap thickness; g_, genus level; IVUS, intravascular ultrasound; o_, order level; OCT, optical coherence tomography; p_, phylum level; PAV, percent atheroma volume; PB, plaque burden; and TAVnormalized, normalized total atheroma volume.