Figure 2. MFG‐E8 is required for the angiotensin II–induced signaling.
A, Plasma angiotensin II concentrations (P<0.001 for overall treatment effect by repeated 2‐way ANOVA with the factors of treatment and genotype). Graph showing mean±SEM with individual animal data from knockout and WT mice with angiotensin II or saline infusion over time. **P<0.01 and ***P<0.001 by Bonferroni post hoc tests following 2‐way ANOVA. B, Representative western blots of AT1 receptors (left panel). Western blotting analysis of the AT1 abundance (P<0.0001 for main angiotensin II treatment effect, P<0.0001 for main genotype effect, P<0.0001 for treatment×genotype, by 2‐way ANOVA). Graph (right panel) showing mean±SEM combined with individual data points for knockout and WT mice. ***P<0.001 and ****P<0.0001 by Bonferroni post hoc tests following 2‐way ANOVA. C, Representative western blots of AT2 receptor (left panel). Western blotting analysis of the AT2 abundance (P<0.001 for main angiotensin II infusion effect, P<0.05 for main genotype effect by 2‐way ANOVA). Graph (right panel) showing mean±SEM combined with individual data points for knockout and WT mice. **P<0.01 by Bonferroni post hoc tests following 2‐way ANOVA. D, Representative western blots of aortic MFG‐E8 (left panel). Quantitative data of Western blots of aortic MFG‐E8 protein abundance as normalized by GAPDH (P<0.001 for main angiotensin II infusion effect, P<0.001 for main genotype effect, P<0.001 for treatment×genotype, by 2‐way ANOVA). Graph (right panel) showing mean±SEM with individual data for knockout and WT mice with angiotensin II or saline infusion. ***P<0.001 by Bonferroni post hoc tests following 2‐way ANOVA. Ang II indicates angiotensin II; AT1, angiotensin II receptor type 1; AT2, angiotensin II receptor type 2; KO, knockout; MFG‐E8, milk fat globule–epidermal growth factor VIII; MW, molecular weight; and WT, wild‐type.