Effect of systemic l-NAME treatment on the expression of NOS isoforms and NOS activity in RVLM: (A) Representative gels (insets) and densitometric analysis of results from Western blot analysis showing changes in protein expression of nNOS, iNOS, and eNOS and (B) enzyme activity of NOS in RVLM 14 days after i.p. infusion of saline or l-NAME (10 mg/kg/day) in young (8 weeks, open circles or squares) or adult (20 weeks, filled circles or sqaures) rats. Data on protein expression were normalized to the respective saline control value, which is set to 1.0, and are presented as mean ± SD, n = 6 per group. * p < 0.05 versus corresponding saline-treated group in unpaired Student’s t-test.