Figure 6.
Effect of NO donor and antioxidants on changes in SBP, and tissue ROS and NO levels in RVLM of young and adult rats induced by systemic l-NAME treatment. Temporal changes in SBP at different postinfusion time points after i.p. infusion of l-NAME, alone or with additional oral intake or i.c. infusion of various pharmacological treatments in young (A) and (B) adult rats. Also shown are tissue levels of ROS (C) and NO (D) in RVLM, measured at day 14 after i.p. infusion of l-NAME, alone or with additional i.c. infusion of pharmacological treatments. The pharmacological treatments included i.p. infusion of l-NAME (10 mg/kg/day), oral intake via gavage of L-arginine (2%), tempol (100 µmol/kg) or amlodipine (10 mg/kg), or i.c. infusion of L-arginine (2 µg/kg/day), tempol (1 μmol//h/μL), or mitoQ10 (2.5 μmol//h/μL). Control infusion of 0.9% saline (for i.p. or oral gavage treatment) or artificial CSF (aCSF; for i.c. infusion) served as the volume and vehicle control. Data are presented as mean ± SD, n = 5–6 per group, and * p < 0.05 versus the corresponding saline-treated group, and # p < 0.05 versus the l-NAME group in post hoc Tukey’s multiple comparisons tests or unpaired Student’s t-test. Data on saline and l-NAME treatments from Figure 2 are adopted for comparison.