Table 5.
Summary of the studies evaluating the predictive role of circulating cell-free DNA (cfDNA) in renal cell carcinoma (RCC). AUC: area Under the Curve; gene: GA: genetic alteration; LOH: loss of heterozygosity; OS: overall survival; PCR: polymerase chain reaction; PFS: progression-free survival; qPCR: real-time polymerase chain reaction.
Author, Year | Study Type | Purpose | Patients (n) | Controls | Sample Source, Amount | Timing Sample | cfDNA Isolation Method |
Detection Method | Results |
Feng, 2013, [61] | Prospective | Diagnostic Predictive |
18 RCC (stage IV) | 10 healthy individuals | Plasma, 0.4 mL |
Six timepoints during treatment with Sorafenib: before treatment, 4–8–12–16–24 weeks |
QIAamp DNA Blood Mini Kit (Qiagen) |
qPCR | Pretreatment cfDNA levels were increased in RCC vs. healthy individual and were associated with stage, grade, and number of metastases. cfDNA levels from weeks 8 to 24 of treatment were higher in those with disease progression than in those with stable disease or partial response. Levels of cfDNA at 8 weeks were predictive of progression. |
Rouvinov, 2017, [89] | Prospective | Predictive | 23 RCC (stage IV) | - | Serum, 1 mL |
Six timepoints during treatment with targeted therapy: before treatment, 4–8–12–16–24 weeks |
QIAamp Blood Kit (Qiagene) |
qPCR | Patients with normal pretreatment cfDNA level had a better PFS versus patients with increased levels. In multivariate analysis, cfDNA levels was associated with PFS. |
Pal, 2017, [69] | Prospective | Predictive | 220 RCC (stage IV) | - | Plasma, 1.5–2 mL |
Pre-therapy Post-therapy |
QIAamp Circulating Nucleic Acid Kit (Qiagen) |
Targeted sequencing (73 genes) |
GAs were detected in 78.6% of patients. The number of GAs was not correlated to line of therapy, but GAs in TP53 and NF1 increased with subsequent therapies. |
Maia, 2017, [70] | Retrospective | Predictive | 34 RCC (stage IV) | - | Plasma, 1.5–2 mL |
Pre-therapy Post-therapy |
QIAamp Circulating Nucleic Acid Kit (Qiagen) |
Targeted sequencing (73 genes) |
GAs were detected in 53% pf patients. cfDNA is a surrogate of tumor burner. No associations were found between ctDNA and IMDC risk, histology and response to treatment. |