Algorithm 1. Parallel Processing |
1. Input image f(𝑥, 𝑦) 2. Compute the histogram h(i), i = 0, …., 255 for f(𝑥, 𝑦) 3. Parfor t = 0: 255 do 4. Compute (t) using Equation (20) 5. Compute (t) using Equation (21) 6. Compute (t) using Equation (22) 7. Compute using Equation (23). 8. Compute the original and the modified based on their distributions. 9. Find the optimal t* which maximizes each of and the relevant 10. End for. 11. Compute the average sum of the performance measure for each t*. 12. Find the best t* which maximizes the performance measure. 13. Return the best t* 14. Output image g(𝑥, 𝑦). |