Travel time (min) and distance (km) from community health centers (top) and district hospitals (bottom) to their referral sites. (a) The top pareto plot of transport time (left) from the community health centers to either nearest district hospital, Hue University Hospital, or Hue Central Hospital. The corresponding distances for community health centers are shown as well (right). In rural regions such as Quang Ngan it took nearly fifty minutes for a patient to travel from the community health center to reach the referral site, whereas, in urban areas, travel time from Huong Phu community health center was less than five minutes to reach the referral site. (b) The bottom pareto plot shows the transport time (left) from the district hospitals to Hue University Hospital or Hue Central Hospital. The corresponding distances (right) for the district hospitals are shown as well. More mountainous regions such as Nam Dong took almost eighty minutes for a patient to travel from the district hospital to reach the referral site, whereas, in Hue City, patients traveled from their district hospital in less than ten minutes to reach the referral site.