Does he/she snore more than half the night? |
Does he/she often snore? |
Does he/she snore noisily? |
Does he/she breathe loudly or heavily? |
Does he/she have trouble breathing, or effort to breathe? |
Have you ever seen your child stop breathing? |
Does he/she breathe out of his/her mouth during the day? |
Does he/she have a dry mouth when awake in the morning? |
Does he/she wet the bed? |
Does he/she awake in the morning without being refreshed? |
Does he/she have trouble with sleepiness in the daytime? |
Have a teacher or another supervisor noticed that he/she seems to be asleep during the daytime? |
Is he/she difficult to awaken in the morning? |
Does he/she awake in the morning with headaches? |
Has he/she ceased growing normally since birth? |
Is he/she overweight? |
He/she doesn’t appear to listen when you talk to him/her directly |
He/she has trouble organizing duties and activities |
He/she is easily distracted by foreign stimulation |
He/she violins with hands or feet, or twitching in seating |
He/she is “on the move” or often acts like he/she is “powered by an engine” |
He/she interrupts/disturbs others (i.e., interferes with conversations/games) |