Table 2.
Block | Keywords |
Sexual orientation and gender identity (Title) | bisexual * OR “female partnered wom?n” OR gay * OR “gender divers *” OR “gender identit *” OR “gender minorit *” OR “gender nonconforming” OR genderqueer * OR “gender transition *” OR GLB * OR homosexual* OR lesbian * OR LGB* OR “male partnered m?n” OR “men who have sex with men” OR “Non binary” OR nonbinary OR “non heterosexual” OR nonheterosexual* OR pansexual * OR plurisexual* OR queer * OR “same gender” OR “same sex” OR “sexual divers*” OR “sexual minorit *” OR “sexual orientation *” OR transfeminine OR transgender OR “trans m?n” OR transm?n OR transmasculine OR transpeople OR transperson OR transsexual OR “trans wom?n” OR transwom?n OR “two-spirit” OR “women who have sex with women” |
Family (Title) | adopt * OR caregiv * OR child* OR cofamil * OR coparent * OR dad * OR famil * OR father * OR household * OR infant * OR interparent * OR marital OR marri * OR mom * OR mother * OR multiparent * OR mum* OR offspring * OR parent * OR polyfamil * OR remarriage OR stepdad * OR stepfamil * OR stepfather * OR stepmom * OR stepmother * OR stepmum * OR union * |
Minority stress and positive identity aspects(Title/Abstract) | abuse OR antibisexual * OR antigay * OR antilesbian * OR antitransgender * OR binegativ * OR biphob * OR bully * OR “burden of proof” OR “community connectedness” OR conceal * OR disclosure OR discrimination * OR “expectation * of rejection” OR harass * OR heterosexis * OR homonegativ * OR homophob * OR marginalis * OR marginaliz * OR microaggression * OR microinvalidation * OR “minority identit *” OR “minority stress *” OR mistreat * OR openness OR outness OR “positive identit *” OR prejudic * OR pride OR queerphob * OR “rejection expectation *” OR “rejection sensitivity” OR resilienc* OR stigma * OR teas * OR transnegativ * OR transphob * OR “unequal treatment” OR victimization OR violen * |
Note. * = truncation; ? = wildcard (e.g., “wom?n” maps to “woman” and “women”). For details and full search strings adapted to all databases, see OSF-Supplement S1.