Table 1.
Clinical, treatment, cell of origin, immunohistochemistry, and survival characteristics.
N. | Age | Sex | cHL Stage | Therapy for cHL | Months from cHL to DLBCL | DLBCL Stage | Therapy for DLBCL | DLBCLIPI | Survival from DLBCL (Months) | PD-L1 ex. in DLBCL |
Cell of Origin (NanoString) |
Hans Algorithm |
Exitus |
1 | 33 | M | 2B | ABVD | 105 | 1B, bulky | R-CHOP | 0 | 42 | negative | GCB | non-GCB | no |
2 | 18 | M | 2B | ABVD | 24 | 1A | R-CHOP, R-DHAP ASCT, Allo-SCT | 0 | 52 | negative | GCB | non-GCB | no |
3 | 23 | M | 2A | ABVD, RT, IGEV, ASCT | 31 | 1B, bulky | R-CHOP | 1 | 3 | positive | Unclassified | non-GCB | yes |
4 | 76 | F | 4B | ABVD | 33 | 4B | Mini R-CHOP | 3 | 6 | positive | Unclassified | non-GCB | yes |
RT: radiotherapy; ASCT: autologous stem cell transplantation; allo-SCT: allogeneic stem cell transplantation; M: male; F: female; cHL: classical Hodgkin’s lymphoma; DLBCL: diffuse large b cell lymphoma; GCB: Germinal Center B-Cell like.