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. 2022 Jan 7;51(4):20210335. doi: 10.1259/dmfr.20210335

Table 3.

Continuation on Included Studies Characteristics

Study ID Device Software Method Parameters r n Min r Max r ICC
Inter Intra
1 3D Accuitomo iDixel V Pulp Tooth Ratio 1 - −0.54 - -
2 Galileos - M Kvaal Method 7 0.69 0.86 - -
3 Galileos Galileos Viewer M Pulp Dentine Ratio 3 −0.84 −0.85 0.976 0.993
4 PlanMeca ITK-SNAP 3.8 V Pulp Chamber Volume 6 −0.69 −0.82 0.917 0.979
5 Kodak 9000 KODAK Dental Imaging Software 6.8 M Pulp Tooth Ratio 1 - 0.42 - -
6 Scanora 3D OnDemand 3D V Pulp Tooth Ratio 1 - −0.76 0.99 -
7 Cranex 3D ITK-SNAP 3.8 V Pulp Chamber Crown Ratio 4 −0.90 −0.96 - -
8 PlanMeca MIMICS 21.0 V Pulp Tooth Ratio 6 −0.67 −0.88 0.989 0.973
9 NewTom VG MIMICS 10.01 V Pulp Tooth Ratio 13 0.53 0.85 - -
10 Promax 3D - M Tooth Coronal Index 1 - −0.65 0,592–0,730 -
11 Cranex 3D OnDemand 3D M Pulp Tooth Ratio 24 −0.16 −0.61 - 0.94
12 Promax 3D Planmeca Romexis 2.3.1 .R V Pulp Crown Ratio 3 −0.40 −0.60 - 0,63–0,83
13 Kodak 9000-3D; i-CAT OSIRIX M Kvaal Method 41 −0.21 −0.65 - -
14 i-CAT i-CAT Vision S Gustafson Method modified by Olze 4 0.44 0.62 - -
15 i-CAT MIMICS M Open Apices Surface Area 1 - −0.92 - 0.9
16 - OnDemand 3D M Pulp Tooth Ratio 1 - −0.52 - 0,91–0,93
17 - Planmeca Romexis S Demirjian 5 0.48 0.56 - -
18 Scanora 3D OnDemand 3D M Tooth Coronal Index 2 −0.09 −0.18 - -
19 Kodak CS9300 3D DOCTOR V Pulp Tooth Ratio 6 0.15 0.53 0,81–0,9 0,85–0,93
20 Cranex 3D OnDemand 3D M Pulp Tooth Ratio 16 −0.33 −0.76 - -
21 KODAK K9500 ITK-SNAP 3.4 V Pulp Volume 2 −0.87 −0.88 0,994–0,9998 0,994–1
22 Cranex 3D OnDemand 3D M Pulp Tooth Ratio 8 −0.16 −0.78 0.99 0.99
23 Promax 3D Planmeca Romexis V Pulp Volume 2 −0.51 −0.51 0,912–0,965 0,945–0,995
24 i-CAT MIMICS V Pulp Tooth Ratio 6 0.68 0.84 0.968 0.945
25 Promax 3D Planmeca Romexis V Pulp Tooth Ratio 2 −0.64 −0.66 0,8–0,9 0.9
26 Scanora 3D Simplant Pro V Pulp Tooth Ratio 12 −0.24 −0.88 - -
27 - - M Pulp Tooth Ratio 1 - −0.36 - 0,85–0,87
28 i-CAT OSIRIX V Pulp Tooth Ratio 3 −0.51 −0.70 - -
29 Promax 3D 3D DOCTOR V Pulp Tooth Ratio 1 - −0.49 - -
M Kvaal Method 1 - −0.33 - -
30 Promax 3D MIMICS V Pulp Tooth Ratio 6 −0.78 0.81 0,932–0,975 0,946–0,987
31 i-CAT MIMICS V Pulp Tooth Ratio 2 −0.80 −0.88 0.982 0.914
32 Pax-Zenith 3D “Open Source” V Pulp Enamel Ratio 3 −0.63 −0.69 0.856 0,911–0,937
33 Vatech ITK-SNAP 3.6 V Pulp Chamber Volume 2 −0.98 −0.99 - -
34 i-CAT NG i-CAT Workstation; DentalSlice V Pulp Tooth Ratio 2 −0.39 −0.55 - -
35 i-CAT MIMICS 21.0; 3-Matics M Open Apices Surface Area 4 −0.97 −0.98 0.902 0.931
36 NewTom 5G XL NNT M Cameriere Open Apices Ratio 0 - - 0,711–0,981 0,798–0,988
37 i-CAT inVivo 5 M Pulp Tooth Ratio 1 - −0.62 - 0.869
38 - OnDemand 3D M Pulp Tooth Ratio 3 −0.60 −0.73 - -
39 CB MercuRay Anatomage A London Atlas - - - - -

A, Atlas; ICC, Intra-Class Correlation Coefficient for Inter-and Intra-observer; M, Metric; Max r, Maximum r value reported; Min r, Minimum r value reported; S, Staging; V, Volumetric; r n, Number of correlation coefficient (r) reported.

Study ID corresponds with Table 2.