Fig 2. Human fMRI confirms the dlPFC, not OFC or MD, receives the driving sensory input.
A. Strategy switching (Switching>Staying) entailed significant activity in right dlPFC, right OFC and right MD; here projected on axial, coronal and sagittal MRI brain slices. Brain activations displayed at p < 0.001 (uncorrected, red) and p < 0.05 (whole brain FWE correction, yellow; small-volume correction, blue). B. Models with dlPFC, MD and OFC receiving sensory tactile driving “inputs” respectively. C. Bayesian Model Selection revealed dlPFC, not OFC or MD, as the input region. The left panel shows the average and standard error of log-evidence for all models in the corresponding inputs family (we have 6 models for each input family, see S5 Fig). The sum of the log-evidence over subjects was used to compute the expected model posterior probabilities of each input family which are shown in right panel. (dlPFC–dorsolateral prefrontal cortex; OFC–orbitofrontal cortex; MD–thalamic mediodorsal nucleus).