Nondenaturing polyacrylamide gels of ultracentifuged cell lysates from A. pleuropneumoniae strains CM5 Nalr (lane 2), cbiK::Tn10 (lane 3), cbiL::Tn10 (lane 4), cbiM::Tn10 (lane 5), cbiQ::Tn10 (lane 6), ureG::Tn10 (lane 7), and ureB::Tn10 (lane 8). Prestained broad-range molecular size markers (lane 1) were used for reference only, not to indicate the sizes of polypeptides. The arrow indicates the position of the urease band. (A) Coomassie blue-stained gel. (B) Immunoblot reacted with antiserum against H. pylori UreB (diluted 1:250). (C) Urease activity gel.