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. 2001 Feb;183(4):1248–1258. doi: 10.1128/JB.183.4.1248-1258.2001


Strains used and constructed for this work

Strain Relevant characteristics Source and/or reference
Agrobacterim tumefaciens C58 Wild type A. G. Matthysse
Bradyrhizobium japonicum USDA 110 Wild type, symbiont of Glycine max P. van Berkum
Escherichia coli DH5α recA1, ΔlacU169 80dlacZΔM15; host strain used in cloning experiments Bethesda Research Laboratories
E. coli XL1-Blue Host strain of the nested-deletion clones generated by exonuclease III for DNA sequencing Bullock et al. (10)
E. coli S17-1 MM294, RP4-2-Tc::Mu-Km::Tn7 chromosomally integrated Simon et al. (54)
Mesorhizobium ciceri USDA 3383 Wild type, symbiont of Cicer arietinum L. P. van Berkum
M. tianshanense USDA 3592 Wild type, symbiont of Glycirrhiza pallidiflora P. van Berkum
Rhizobium etli CFN42, USDA 9032 Wild type, symbiont of Phaseolus vulgaris E. Martínez
R. galegae USDA 4128 Wild type, symbiont of Galega orientalis P. van Berkum
R. hainanensis USDA 3588 Wild type, symbiont of Desmodium sinuatum P. van Berkum
R. huatlense USDA 4900 Wild type, symbiont of Sesbania herbaceae P. van Berkum
R. leguminosarum bv. viciae VF39 Wild type, symbiont of Pisum sativum U. Priefer
R. leguminosarum bv. viciae 3855 Wild type, symbiont of P. sativum, Smr derivative of wild-type strain 128C53 C. Ronson (28)
R. leguminosarum bv. viciae RSKnH R. leguminosarum bv. viciae 3855 lpcC::nptII C. Ronson (28)
R. leguminosarum bv. trifolii ANU843 Wild type, symbiont of Trifolium spp. P. van Berkum
R. mongolense USDA 1844 Wild type, symbiont of Medicago ruthenica P. van Berkum
Rhizobium sp. strain GRH2 Wild type, isolated from Acacia cyanophylla, nodulates herbaceous legumes such as Phaseolus and Trifolium spp. N. Toro
Rhizobium sp. strain LPU83 Wild type, nodulates M. sativa, P. vulgaris, and Leucaena leucocephala, closely related to Rhizobium sp. strain Or191 Del Papa et al. (17)
Rhizobium sp. strain NGR234 Wild type, isolated from root nodules of Lablab purpureus, nodulates several legumes W. J. Broughton
Rhizobium sp. strain Or191 Wild type, nodulates M. sativa, P. vulgaris, and L. leucocephala P. van Berkum
R. tropici CIAT 299 (type 2A) Wild type, symbiont of P. vulgaris M. Aguilar
R. tropici CIAT 899 (type 2B), USDA 9030 Wild type, symbiont of P. vulgaris P. van Berkum
Sinorhizobium sp. strain BR816 Wild type, symbiont of P. vulgaris M. Aguilar
Sinorhizobium fredii HH103 Wild type, symbiont of G. max M. Megias
S. fredii USDA 191 Wild type, symbiont of G. max S. Pueppke
S. fredii USDA 257 Wild type, symbiont of G. max S. Pueppke
S. medicae USDA 1037 Wild type, symbiont of M. sativa P. van Berkum
S. meliloti 2011 Symbiont of M. sativa, Smr derivative of strain SU-47 Casse et al. (12)
S. meliloti 6963 S. meliloti 2011 lpsB::Tn5-6963 Nmr Smr Lagares et al. (34)
S. meliloti 7555 S. meliloti SU47 lpsC::Tn5 Nmr Smr Clover et al. (15)
S. meliloti 20-B+ S. meliloti 2011 lpsB::lacZ-Gm (sense lacZ fusion at KpnI site in lpsB) Smr Gmr This work
S. meliloti 20-B S. meliloti 2011 lpsB::lacZ-Gm (antisense lacZ fusion at KpnI site in lpsB Smr Gmr This work
S. meliloti 20-C S. meliloti 2011 lpsC::pK18mob, lacZ promoter of vector reads downstream of interrupted coding sequence, Smr Nmr This work
S. meliloti 20-D S. meliloti 2011 lpsD::pK18mob, lacZ promoter of vector reads downstream of interrupted coding sequence, Smr Nmr This work
S. meliloti 20-E S. meliloti 2011 lpsE::pK18mob, lacZ promoter of vector reads downstream of interrupted coding sequence, Smr Nmr This work
S. saheli USDA 4893 Wild type, symbiont of Sesbania cannabina P. van Berkum
S. teranga USDA 4894 Wild type, symbiont of Sesbania laeta P. van Berkum