Extended Data Fig. 1. Estimated protection curves (calculated from logistic regression) by day-of-challenge predicted serum ID80 titer (PT80) against the challenge SHIV, shown by bnAb class and by challenge SHIV, in subsets of N = 274 non-human primates (NHPs) that received a single bnAb and underwent SHIV challenge4.
Day-of-challenge PT80 was calculated as day-of-challenge bnAb concentration divided by IC80 against the challenge SHIV, where PT80 values < 2 were set to 1. Only neutralization titer data obtained by the TZM-bl target cell assay were included. The bnAb and SHIV challenge description of each subset is shown in the lower right legend. a) Only CD4 binding site-targeting bnAbs, separated by challenge SHIV; b) All bnAbs excluding MPER-targeting bnAbs, separated by challenge SHIV. The figure shows that the estimated protection curve for SF162P3 challenge is an outlier.