FIG. 1.
NJ phylogenetic trees, which show the divergence of H. pylori genes HP1257 (pyrE) (A), HP0735 (gpt) (B), and HP0785 (lolA) (C). The numbers at nodes represent the percent occurrence of nodes in 1,000 bootstrap resamplings of the MP and NJ trees. The NJ trees shown here were largely congruent with MP trees constructed using the program PAUP (47). Nodes occurring in more than 70% of resamplings by both methods are marked with an asterisk; values of <50% are marked with a dash or not shown. The scale bar represents 0.1 expected amino acid replacement per site as estimated by PROTDIST using the Dayhoff option. The trees were drawn using the program NEIGHBOR from PHYLIP version 3.57c (22).