Proteins with higher reproducibility have higher mRNA-protein correlation
(A–C) Boxplots showing the distribution of mRNA-protein correlation for proteins binned according to their protein-protein reproducibility in the colon (A), ovarian (B), and CCLE (C) studies. The total number of proteins considered for each plot is indicated at the top right corner. The bins are deciles—each containing ∼10% of the proteins. The decile is indicated on the x axis along with the highest correlation between experimental replicates present within that decile. For each box plot, the black central line represents the median, the top and bottom lines represent the 1st and 3rd quartiles, and the whiskers extend to 1.5 times the interquartile range past the box. Outliers are not shown. The median of each decile is indicated above/below the black central line for each box plot. The median mRNA-protein correlation across all proteins for each study is indicated as a dotted gray line in each plot. The R2 obtained from regressing the mRNA-protein correlation on protein-protein reproducibility is in the bottom right corner.