Figure 2.
Transmission cluster characteristics. A) Distribution of cluster sizes for all inferred clusters (n = 208). B) Distribution of cluster risk composition across different cluster sizes, shown for all clusters for which recent risk factor information was available for calculation of cluster risk composition (those that grew after 2016, n = 105). C) Comparison of cluster growth between the implementation of lockdown restrictions (March 21st, 2020) and the end of the collection period for the dataset (June 4th, 2021), versus cluster size before restriction implementation. Observations are coloured by cluster risk factor composition and thus only include the clusters for which this information is available (n = 105). D) Median collection date of the first sequence collected for individuals within a cluster, shown for all clusters that demonstrated growth in panel C (n = 38). Observations are coloured by cluster risk factor composition. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)