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. 2022 Sep 1;10(9):1444. doi: 10.3390/vaccines10091444

Table 1.

Characteristics of included studies.

Author, Year Age Sex Presenting Features Time to Symptom Onset or Presentation after Vaccine (in Days) Vaccine Dose Comorbidities Admission Platelet Counts or Nadir (Whichever Is Reported First) Treatment Received Outcomes Second Dose, If Applicable
Cases due to Ad26.COV2-S (Johnson & Johnson vaccine)
Shah et al., 2021 [4] 59 F Abdominal cramps, diarrhea 2 - Chronic ITP and SLE (prior flare-up 2 years ago after Shingrix vaccine) 64 × 103/μL Dexamethasone Discharged No comment
Banerjee et al., 2021 [9] 63 F Bleeding gums 14 - Cervical cancer s/p hysterectomy 2 × 103/μL Platelets, Prednisone, IVIG, and dexamethasone Discharged on day 5 -
Cases due to ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine
Scanvion et al., 2021 [10] 62 F Asymptomatic 6 First dose ITP, overweight, HLD, HTN 60 × 103/μL None No hospitalization No comment
Scanvion et al., 2021 [10] 45 F Asymptomatic 3 First dose ITP 53 × 103/μL None No hospitalization No comment
Candelli et al., 2021 [11] 28 M Petechiae, oral bleed, fatigue, headache, fever 1 First dose None 4 × 103/μL (Lupus anticoagulant positive) Four-day Dexamethasone course, once during hospitalization and once 10 days after discharge Discharged after 4 days No comment
Paulsen et al., 2021 [12] 72 M Petechiae, hematomas 11 First dose Radioiodine-treated autoimmune thyroiditis <5 × 103/μL Prednisolone, IVIG Discharged No comment
Paulsen et al., 2021 [12] 71 F Petechiae, headache 11 First dose Latent hyperthyroidism, breast cancer, stroke <5 × 103/μL Prednisolone followed by dexamethasone, IVIG, TPO-RA Discharged but readmitted 7 days after No comment
Paulsen et al., 2021 [12] 66 M Petechiae, hyposphagma 1 First dose HTN, mild thrombocytopenia < 5 × 103/μL Prednisolone Discharged No comment
Paulsen et al., 2021 [12] 64 F Petechiae, epistaxis 15 First dose HTN, COPD, hepatic steatosis 6 × 103/μL Prednisolone Discharged No comment
Gardellini et al., 2021 [13] 63 M Hematomas, epistaxis 14 First dose DM, HTN, HLD 2 × 103/μL Prednisone Discharged Second dose given after 9 weeks
Kim et al., 2021 [14] 66 F Bruising, gum bleeding 2 First dose None 4 × 103/μL Dexamethasone and IVIG Discharged No comment
Sivaramakrishnan et al., 2022 [15] - (middle-aged) F Hemoptysis and menorrhagia 11 (had been evaluated 30 days after first dose for similar complaints and was given platelets) First and second doses None 10 × 103/μL Prednisolone Discharged with relapse after 3 weeks -
Al-Ahmad et al., 2022 [16] 56 M Admitted for partial small bowel obstruction 14 First dose Primary ITP s/p splenectomy 9 × 103/μL IVIG and TPO-RA (refused steroids) Discharged with a repeat dose of TPO-RA for worsening counts No comment
Al-Ahmad et al., 2022 [16] 63 F Petechiae 10 Second dose Chronic ITP 35 × 103/μL None Not admitted No comment
Al-Ahmad et al., 2022 [16] 28 F Petechiae, gum, and nosebleed 10 First dose Chronic ITP (maintained on romiplostim and prednisolone) 30 × 103/μL Romiplostim was continued and prednisolone dose was increased Not admitted No comment
Al-Ahmad et al., 2022 [16] 54 F Ecchymoses 13 First dose None 10 × 103/μL Prednisolone and IVIG Discharged after 6 days – readmitted 3 days later with counts of 10 × 103/μL No comment
Al-Ahmad et al., 2022 [16] 33 F Ecchymoses 21 First dose None 3 × 103/μL IVIG, Prednisolone, and Romiplostim Discharged after 7 days, was readmitted 26 days later with recurrence No comment
Wong et al., 2022 [17] 86 M Gingival bleeding, ecchymosis, and tongue blisters 2 First dose NA 4 × 103/μL Dexamethasone, platelets, IVIG and Rituximab Discharged NA
Wong et al., 2022 [17] 38 F Petechiae and purpura 10 First dose NA 3 × 103/μL Prednisone and IVIG Discharged NA
Razzaq et al., 2021 [18] 26 M Asymptomatic 2 First dose Mild thrombocytopenia 64 × 103/μL Methylprednisolone and IVIG Discharged No comment
Uaprasert et al., 2022 [19] 80 M Bleeding from bitten tongue 19 First dose None 14 × 103/μL Dexamethasone, prednisolone, IVIG, TPO-RA Improved No comment
Uaprasert et al., 2022 [19] 84 M Dizziness 9 First dose Adrenal insufficiency due to adrenal histoplasmosis, cirrhosis, past HBV infection 36 × 103/μL (HCV and HIV positive) None Improved No comment
Uaprasert et al., 2022 [19] 55 F Purpura and oral bleeding 24 First dose HLD 41 × 103/μL None Improved No comment
Liao et al., 2021 [20] 79 M Asymptomatic 8 First dose Stroke 2 × 103/μL Hydrocortisone followed by prednisolone Discharged after 12 days No comment
Cases due to BNT162b2 vaccine
Ganzel et al., 2021 [21] 53 M Epistaxis, purpura, petechiae 14 First dose Obesity, DM, HTN 1 × 103/μL Dexamethasone and IVIG Improved Second dose not given
Tarawneh et al., 2021 [22] 22 M Petechiae, gum bleeding 3 First dose None 2 × 103/μL (mild transaminitis, SSA-antibody which later normalized) Dexamethasone, platelet transfusion, and IVIG Discharged after 5 days No comment
Fueyo-Rodriguez et al., 2021 [23] 41 F Fever, tachycardia, nausea 1 First dose HTN, hypothyroidism, pre-DM 65 × 103/μL (elevated IgE and CRP) Methylprednisolone, dexamethasone, and IVIG Discharge after 5 days No comment
Shah et al.,2021 [4] 53 M Fever, chills, myalgia, petechiae 8 Second dose Crohn’s disease 2 × 103/μL Dexamethasone and IVIG Discharged No comment
Shah et al.,2021 [4] 67 M Generalized weakness, melena, petechiae 2 First dose Seizures, atrial fibrillation, chronic ITP in remission 2 × 103/μL Platelet, IVIG and dexamethasone Discharged Second dose not advised
Jawed et al., 2021 [24] 47 F Gum bleeding, epistaxis 18 First dose Chronic ITP, Hypothyroidism secondary to Hashimoto’s thyroiditis 1 × 103/μL Platelet, IVIG Discharged No comment
King et al., 2021 [25] 39 F Petechiae 1 Second dose PCOS 1 × 103/μL (elevated ESR) Platelet, methylprednisolone, and IVIG Discharged after 3 days No comment
Gardellini et al., 2021 [13] 27 M Hematomas, epistaxis 10 First dose None 1 × 103/μL IVIG, prednisolon, dexamethasone Discharged No comment
Gardellini et al., 2021 [13] 39 F Petechiae, ecchymosis 6 Second dose Chronic ITP 1 × 103/μL IVIG-prednisone, TPO-RA Not reported No comment
Qasim et al., 2021 [26] 28 M Petechiae and epistaxis 2 Second dose ITP 1 × 103/μL IVIG and dexamethasone Discharged on prednisolone taper Not reporter
Shonai et al., 2021 [27] 69 M Oral bleeding and hemoptysis 10 Second dose (had asymptomatic thrombocytopenia after first dose) Well-controlled postoperative intestinal obstruction and hypopharyngeal cancers s/p permanent tracheal fistula surgery 6 × 103/μL (H pylori antibody positive) Prednisolone Improved (refused hospitalization) No comment
Krajewski et a., 2021 [28] 74 M Hemorrhagic mucosal blisters and purpura 1 First dose HTN 2 × 103/μL Platelet and Dexamethasone No comment No comment
Al-Ahmad et al., 2022 [16] 19 M Mouth and nosebleed 4 Second dose Chronic ITP (maintained on eltrombopag) 4 × 103/μL Methylprednisolone, prednisolone, and increased dose of eltrombopag Left against medical advice No comment
Idogun et al., 2021 [29] 54 F Petechiae, ecchymosis, mucosal bleeding 7 days after first dose but presented 5 days after second dose (21 days after symptom onset) First and second doses HTN, congenital epidermal dysplasia, overactive bladder, mild cognitive impairment, CKD and anxiety 0 Platelet, dexamethasone, IVIG Discharged but was readmitted after 4 days -
Hidaka et al., 2022 [30] 53 F Shortness of breath 14 days after second dose but had transient wheezing and purpura after first dose First and second doses Asthma, Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada disease, Hashimoto disease 39 × 103/μL (Also had AIHA, lupus anticoagulant and ANA positive, hypocomplementemia, COVID IgG positive) Prednisolone, blood transfusion (for Evans syndrome associated with SLE post-COVID vaccination) Discharged -
Al-Ahmad et al., 2022 [16] 30 F Petechiae 7 First dose Chronic migraine, depression, chronic ITP 40 × 103/μL None Not admitted No comment
Saito et al., 2022 [31] 66 F Malaise, lymphadenopathy, fever, hematuria, oral bleeding, and purpura 2 First dose None <1 × 103/μL (positive antiplatelet glycoprotein IIb/IIIa antibodies, elevated inflammatory markers) Platelet, IVIG, prednisolone, pulsed methylprednisolone, TPO-RA, danazol and vincristine Discharged on day 22 No comment
Pasin et al., 2022 [32] 84 M Petechiae, gum bleeding 5 First dose Localized bladder cancer, tremors, mild CKD, Atrial fibrillation on apixaban 3 × 103/μL (SARS-CoV-2 negative; positive antiplatelet glycoprotein IIb/IIIa antibodies) Platelet, IVIG and prednisone Improved None
Nakamura et al., 2022 [33] 32 F Petechiae, oral bleeding 5 Second dose None <1 × 103/μL (Platelet associated GPIbα IgG) Prednisolone Discharged on day 12 No comment
Al-Ahmad et al., 2022 [16] 37 F Petechiae 10 Second dose Primary ITP 25 × 103/μL Prednisolone Improved No comment
Al-Ahmad et al., 2022 [16] 30 M Fatigue, petechiae, gum bleeding, epistaxis 7 First dose Primary ITP (on eltrombopag) 11 × 103/μL Prednisolone, IVIG and eltrombopag Discharged on day 2 Allowed to take second dose with close follow-up
Al-Ahmad et al., 2022 [16] 56 F Gum and nose bleeding 7 Second dose HTN, DM 2 × 103/μL IVIG, prednisolone and TPO-RA Discharged after 3 days but readmitted 2 weeks later No comment
Ogai et al., 2021 [34] 64 F Oral bleeding and petechiae 2 First dose Chronic ITP 1 × 103/μL Prednisolone and IVIG Improvement No comment
Ogai et al., 2021 [34] 61 F Petechiae 17 Second dose Chronic ITP, Scleroderma and Sjogren syndrome 1 × 103/μL Platelet, Prednisolone and TPO-RA Improvement No comment
Battegay et al., 2021 [35] 77 M Asymptomatic; petechiae on buccal mucosa 8 First dose CAD, Atrial fibrillation, HTN (Had mild thrombocytopenia pre-vaccination) 28 × 103/μL IVIG, prednisone and TPO-RA Improvement Second dose under eltrombopag taper
Ghosh et al., 2022 [36] 63 F Rash and easy bruising 1 Second dose COPD, HTN, DM 0 (positive for SS-A and scleroderma antibodies) Dexamethasone, IVIG, TPO-RA, rituximab Discharged -
Akiyama et al., 2021 [37] 20 F Subcutaneous hemorrhage 12 First dose None 16 × 103/μL Prednisolone Improved No comment
Jasaraj et al., 2021 [38] 67 F Petechiae, gum bleeding, epistaxis, subconjunctival hemorrhage 2 Second dose (also had symptoms 14 days after the first dose) HTN, DM, hypothyroidism, depression, b12 deficiency, headaches 3 × 103/μL Prednisone, IVIG, platelet, ACA, rituximab, TPO-RA Discharged on day 14 (received rituximab and TPO-RA outpatient) -
Ghous et al., 2021 [39] 69 F Bruising and gum bleeding 14 First dose Cataract, SCC, BCC 5 × 103/μL (AST and LDH were high) Platelet, IVIG, dexamethasone, TPO-RA, vincristine, prednisone Discharged with return to ER for iatrogenic thrombocytosis No comment
Cases due to mRNA-1273 vaccine
Abuhelwa et al., 2021 [40] 65 F Epistaxis and rash 1 First dose None 3 × 103/μL Platelets, IVIG, dexamethasone, Rho immunoglobulins and TPO-RA Discharged on day 14 No comment
Prasad et al., 2021 [41] 58 M Mucosal bleed, petechiae 21 First dose HTN, DM 3 × 103/μL (PF4 antibody was weakly positive but SRA negative) Dexamethasone, platelets, IVIG, second relapse treated with platelets, IVIG, TPO-RA and fostamatinib Discharged in 6 days but presented 5 days later with recurrence, and then again 10 days later Refused
Ogai et al., 2021 [34] 73 F Petechiae 11 First dose HTN, HLD 2 × 103/μL Prednisolone, IVIG, and TPO-RA Improvement No comment
Chanut et al., 2022 [42] 73 F Epistaxis, intra-buccal hemorrhage, and bruises 7 First dose IgA monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance, HTN, HLD, hypothyroidism, glaucoma 2 × 103/μL IVIG Discharged Rechallenged with BNT162b2 vaccine with no relapse
Helms et al., 2021 [43] 74 M Epistaxis and diffuse cutaneous purpura 1 First dose HTN, Gout, HLD and nonischemic cardiomyopathy 10 × 103/μL Dexamethasone, IVIG, rituximab, TPO-RA Discharged on day 5; readmitted on day 13 No comment
Chong et al., 2022 [44] 75 F Hemoptysis 3 First dose Refractory lung adenocarcinoma on durvalumab 7 × 103/μL (prior hepatitis B infection) Platelets, prednisolone Discharged on day 5 Second dose not advised
Malayala et al., 2021 [45] 60 M Purpura, nausea, vomiting, shortness of breath, leg edema, chest and abdominal pain 1 First dose Hepatitis C infection, CKD-stage IV, HTN, HFrEF, smoker 84 × 103/μL (With deranged LFTs – heavy hepatitis C viral load and cirrhosis) None Left against medical advice on day 3 of hospitalization No comment
Gardellini et al., 2021 [13] 24 M Petechiae 21 Second dose None 2 × 103/μL IVIG and prednisone Discharged on steroid taper No comment
Julian et al., 2021 [46] 72 F Rash, spontaneous oral bleeding, headache 1 First dose DM, seasonal contact dermatitis, gout 12 × 103/μL (prior parvovirus infection) Dexamethasone, IVIG, ACA, rituximab, and platelets No comment No comment
Toom et al., 2021 [47] 36 F Petechiae, easy bruising, bleeding gum, headache 7 First dose Familial ITP 3 × 103/μL (unlikely due to vaginal estrogen ring) Dexamethasone and IVIG Discharged No comment
Shonai et al., 2021 [27] 34 F Purpura 21 Second dose None 11 × 103/μL Initially not treated, however, on 1 week follow- up, had worsened platelet count for which prednisolone and TPO-RA were given Improved -
Hines et al., 2021 [48] 26 F Petechiae 7 First dose o Irregular menses on OCPs 19 × 103/μL (transaminitis present) Prednisone, dexamethasone, and IVIG Discharged on day 5 No comment
Bennett et al., 2021 [49] 32 F Petechiae and bruising 11 First dose None – was currently pregnant at 9 weeks 1 × 103/μL Prednisone Discharged on day 3 No comment

ACA: aminocaproic acid; AIHA: autoimmune hemolytic anemia; BCC: basal cell carcinoma; CAD: coronary artery disease; COPD: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; CKD: chronic kidney disease; DM: diabetes; ER: emergency room; F: female; HFrEF: heart failure with reduced ejection fraction; HLD: hyperlipidemia; HTN: hypertension; HBV: hepatitis B virus; ITP: immune thrombocytopenic purpura; IVIG: intravenous immunoglobulins; M: male; OCP: oral contraceptive pills; PCOS: polycystic ovarian syndrome; SCC: squamous cell carcinoma; SLE: systemic lupus erythematosus; SRA: serotonin release assay; TPO-RA: thrombopoietin receptor agonists, e.g., eltrombopag or romiplostim.