Figure 3.
Depressive-like behavior. (A): Forced swim (FST) test. There was a significant difference in the time spent swimming regarding the effect of genotype (* p = 0.01) and age (# p = 0.00). (B,C): Tail suspension (TST) test. (B): There was no significant difference between the groups in the time spent in immobile posture (p > 0.05). (C): In the case of the latency of immobility, there was a significant difference between genotypes (age*genotype: *# p = 0.02). (D): Sucrose preference test (SPT). Both genotypes preferred sucrose solution over water in both age groups, there was no significant difference between groups. The sucrose preference value differed from random 50% in each case (p = 0.00 in each single-sample t-test against 50). (E): Splash test. There was a significant difference between the genotypes in the time spent grooming in both age groups (* p = 0.00) with significantly less time spent grooming in the 3xTg-AD groups. (F): Learned helplessness (LH). Escape latency was lower in 3xTg-AD than in the control mice (p = 0.05). There was a surprising decrease in escape latency with advancing age: it was significantly lower in 8-month-old animals compared with 4-month-old ones (age: # p = 0.01).