Comparison of hemodynamic and hydrodynamic parameter according to the type of surgery. All results are expressed as a percentage change. This is calculated as the ratio between the preoperative and postoperative values. A change of less than 100% indicates a decrease. A value greater than 100% indicates an increase. SVaqu: stroke volume of CSF in Sylvius aqueduct, SVforamen: stroke volume of CSF at the foramen magnum level, SVtonsils: stroke volume of tonsils (it is analyzed by a semi-automatic segmentation of the tonsils according to the same method as the CSF, this allows a quantification of the pulsatility of the tonsils during a cardiac cycle), SVcerv: stroke volume of CSF at cervical level, SVvasc: stroke volume of arteriovenous system, AMPvenous: amplitude of venous flow curve, SVsyrinx: stroke volume into the syringomyelia.