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. 2021 Dec 1;2021:210.

Table 1.

Model Emission Sensitivity Simulation Descriptionsa

# Sector Sensitivity Simulation Dataset Year Reference
1 Agriculture
Manure management, soil emissions, rice cultivation, enteric fermentation, and other noncombustion agriculture emissions
CEDSGBD-MAPS 2017 McDuffie et al. 2020a, 2020b
2 Energy
Electricity production, central heat production, fuel production and transformation including refinery emissions, fugitives from solid fuel, oil, and gas extraction, flaring, and underground coal and oil and gas fires
CEDSGBD-MAPS 2017 McDuffie et al. 2020a, 2020b
3 Industry
Industrial combustion (iron and steel, nonferrous metals, chemicals, pulp and paper, food and tobacco, nonmetallic minerals, construction, transportation equipment, machinery, mining and quarrying, wood products, textile and leather, and other industry combustion) and noncombustion industrial processes and product use (cement production, lime production, other minerals, chemical industry, metal production, food, beverage, wood, pulp and paper, and other noncombustion industrial emissions)
CEDSGBD-MAPS 2017 McDuffie et al. 2020a, 2020b
4 Road Transport
Combustion emissions from cars, motorcycles, heavy- and light-duty trucks, and buses
CEDSGBD-MAPS 2017 McDuffie et al. 2020a, 2020b
5 Nonroad Transport
Combustion emissions from rail, domestic navigation, and other transportation
CEDSGBD-MAPS 2017 McDuffie et al. 2020a, 2020b
6 Residential
Combustion from residential heating and cooking
CEDSGBD-MAPS 2017 McDuffie et al. 2020a, 2020b
7 Commercial
Commercial and institutional combustion
CEDSGBD-MAPS 2017 McDuffie et al. 2020a, 2020b
8 Other Combustion (RCO-Other)
Combustion from agriculture, forestry, and fishing
CEDSGBD-MAPS 2017 McDuffie et al. 2020a, 2020b
9 Solvents
Solvent use (degreasing and cleaning, paint application, chemical products manufacturing and processing, and other product use)
CEDSGBD-MAPS 2017 McDuffie et al. 2020a, 2020b
10 Waste
Solid waste disposal, waste incineration, waste-water handling, and other waste handling
CEDSGBD-MAPS 2017 McDuffie et al. 2020a, 2020b
11 International Shipping
Combustion emissions from international shipping and process emissions from tanker loading
CEDSGBD-MAPS 2017 McDuffie et al. 2020a, 2020b; Vinken et al. 2011; Holmes et al. 2014
12 Agricultural Waste Burning
Open fires from agricultural waste burning
GFED4.1s 2017 van der Werf et al. 2017; Mu et al. 2011
13 Other Fires
Deforestation, boreal forest, peat, savannah, and temperate forest fires
GFED4.1s 2017 van der Werf et al. 2017; Mu et al. 2011
14 AFCID Dustb
Anthropogenic fugitive, combustion, and industrial dust
AFCID 2012,2013,
Philip et al. 2017
15 Windblown Dust DEAD model calculated Fairlie et al., 2007,
16 Remaining Sources
All remaining emission sources:
    volcanic SO2 AeroCom 2017
    aircraft AEIC 2005 Stettler et al. 2011
    lightning NOx Light NOx in GEOS-Chem calculated Murray et al. 2012
    biogenic soil NO Soil NOx in GEOS-Chem calculated Hudman et al. 2012
    ocean SeaFlux, GEIA, Sea-Salt, Inorg_ Iodine in
calculated Fischer et al. 2012;
Millet et al. 2010;
Breider et al. 2017;
Riddick et al. 2012;
Croft et al. 2016; Jaeglé et al. 2011; Carpenter et al. 2013
    biogenic emissions MEGANv2.1
in GEOS-
calculated Guenther et al. 2012
    very short-lived iodine and bromine species LIANG
in GEOS-
2000 Liang et al. 2010;
Ordonez et al. 2012
    decaying plants DECAYING PLANTS in GEOS-Chem Millet et al. 2010
Fuel Sensitivity Simulations Dataset Year Reference
17 Total Coal
Hard coal, brown coal, coal coke. Excludes coal ash emissions.c
CEDSGBD-MAPS 2017 McDufie et al. 2020a, 2020b
18 Solid Biofuel
Solid biofuel
CEDSGBD-MAPS 2017 McDufie et al. 2020a, 2020b
19 Liquid Oil and Natural Gas
Light and heavy oil, diesel oil, and natural gas
CEDSGBD-MAPS 2017 McDufie et al. 2020a, 2020b
20 Process
Noncombustion CEDS “process” source emissions
CEDSGBD-MAPS 2017 McDufie et al. 2020a, 2020b
Sector and Fuel Sensitivity Simulations Dataset Year Reference
21 Total Coal from Energy Production
Hard coal, brown coal, coal coke; includes electricity and heat production
CEDSGBD-MAPS 2017 McDufie et al. 2020a, 2020b
22 Total Coal from Industrial Processes
Hard coal, brown coal, coal coke; industrial combustion (iron and steel, nonferrous metals, chemicals, pulp and paper, food and tobacco, nonmetallic minerals, construction, transportation equipment, machinery, mining and quarrying, wood products, textile and leather, and other industry combustion)
CEDSGBD-MAPS 2017 McDufie et al. 2020a, 2020b
# Sector Sensitivity Simulation Dataset Year Reference
23 Total Coal from Residential Combustion
Hard coal, brown coal, coal coke; residential heating and cooking
CEDSGBD-MAPS 2017 McDuffie et al. 2020a, 2020b
24 Solid Biofuel from Residential Combustion
Solid biofuel; residential heating and cooking
CEDSGBD-MAPS 2017 McDuffie et al.
2020a, 2020b

RCO-Other = residential, commercial, and other sectors.

a Note: “calculated” emissions depend on meteorological variables and are computed at the time of model simulation. For further details see Appendix B, Supplementary Table 2. CEDS emissions include NH3, NOx, SO2, NMVOCs, BC, and OC but not the mineral component of primary PM25 emissions; the latter are included separately in sectors 14 (AFCID dust) and 15 (windblown dust].

b Mineral component of primary PM2 5 emissions from anthropogenic sources, including ash from solid fuel combustion, emissions from cement and metals production, construction and agricultural emissions, and resuspended road dust.

c Excludes coal ash emissions.