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. 2022 Sep 14;12(9):1507. doi: 10.3390/jpm12091507

Table 3.

Using the XGB feature ranking approach, the multivariate logistic regression analysis for CKD prediction with the top-8 factors.

Features Coef. Std. Err. z p > z (95% Conf. Interval)
Lower Limit Upper Limit
Hypertension 3.070858 0.1824329 16.83 0.000 2.713296 3.42842
Duration of IDDM 0.2398436 0.0162 14.81 0.000 0.2080922 0.271595
Drinking −1.486273 0.1685275 −8.82 0.000 −1.816581 −1.155966
Triglycerides 0.0125956 0.0011376 11.07 0.000 0.0103659 0.0148252
ACE inhibitors 0.5133911 0.1522363 3.37 0.001 0.2150134 0.8117687
LDL −0.0071267 0.0018498 −3.85 0.000 −0.0107523 −0.0035011
Age 0.0923286 0.0094812 9.74 0.000 0.0737458 0.1109114
Smoking −1.185757 0.2162176 −5.48 0.000 −1.609535 −0.7619781
_cons −11.39143 0.633072 −17.69 0.000 −12.63223 −10.15064