Effects of betaine pretreatment on the expression levels of key genes in ABA signal transduction. The content of abscisic acid in the neutrons of tomatoes under low-temperature stress was determined by qRT-PCR. (A) SlABA3, (B) SlABI3, (C) SlABI5, (D) SlPLY3, (E) SlPLY6, (F) SlSnRK2.2, (G) SlSnRK2.4, (H) SlSnRK2.5, (I) SUN24. Vertical bars indicate the mean ± SEs calculated for three replications. CS: germination of seeds pretreated with just water under 14 °C cold stress; CB: germination of seeds pretreated in 10 mmol/L of GB under 14 °C cold stress. Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences at the 0.05 probability level (p < 0.05).