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. 2022 Sep 6;12(9):1390. doi: 10.3390/life12091390
ACS abdominal compartment syndrome
ADH anti-diuretic hormone
ALI acute lung injury
APP abdominal perfusion pressure
ARDS acute respiratory distress syndrome
BMI body mass index
BMT bone marrow transplantation
BRG burn resuscitation guidelines
CLFM conservative late fluid management
CLI capillary leak index
CO cardiac output
CPB cardiopulmonary bypass
CR case report
CVVH continuous veno-venous hemofiltration
CVP central venous pressure
d day
DL damage control laparotomy
ECMO extra-corporeal membrane oxygenation
ECW extracellular body water
EGL endothelial glycocalyx layer
eOR emergency open repair
EVAR endovascular aortic repair
EVLWI extravascular lung water index
eEVR emergency endovascular repair
FOAM free open access medical education
FB fluid balance
FFP fresh frozen plasma
HES hydroxyethyl starch
HLS hypertonic lactated saline
IAP intra-abdominal pressure
IAH intra-abdominal hypertension
ICP intra-cranial pressure
ICU intensive care unit
ITP intra-thoracic pressure
IV intra-venous
L liters
LR ringer’s lactate solution
LOS length of stay
M medical
MAP mean arterial pressure
MOF multiple organ failure
MV mechanical ventilation
NMB neuromuscular blocker
NGT nasogastric tube
NR not reported
NS 0.9% saline
OF organ failure
PAL positive end-expiratory pressure, albumin, and Lasix® (furosemide)
PCD percutaneous catheter drainage
PCS poly-compartment syndrome
PEEP positive end-expiratory pressure
POCUS point-of-care ultrasound
pts patients
rAAAs ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysms
RCC red cell concentrate
RF risk factor
S surgical
SAP severe acute pancreatitis
SAPS II Simplified Acute Physiology Score II
SH group combination of 0.9% saline and hydroxyethyl starch (HES)
SHG group combination of 0.9% saline, hydroxyethyl starch and glutamine
SHINE shock induced endotheliopathy
SN supranormal resuscitation group
SOFA Sequential Organ Failure Assessment Score
ST group standard therapy
TBSA total body surface area
TEP trauma exsanguination protocol
TI group targeted intervention
U units
UO urine output
WSACS The Abdominal Compartment Society