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. 2022 Aug 30;10(9):1429. doi: 10.3390/vaccines10091429

Table 1.

General characteristics and reported health behaviors of health professionals.

Characteristic N (%) Acceptance, N = 323
N (%)
Hesitancy, N = 579
N (%)
Chi2 p-Value
Level of health facility
 Tertiary hospital 233 (28.7) 63 (27.2) 170 (29.4) 0.001
 Regional hospital 132 (16.3) 20 (8.6) 112 (19.3)
 District hospital 214 (26.4) 66 (28.5) 148 (25.6)
 Health center 184 (22.7) 64 (27.6) 120 (20.7)
 Dispensary 48 (5.9) 19 (8.2) 29 (5.0)
Age group
 Less than 30 years 295 (36.4) 60 (25.9) 235 (40.6) 0.000
 30–49 years 446 (55.0) 135 (58.1) 311 (53.7)
 50 years and above 70 (8.6) 37 (16.0) 33 (5.7)
 Female 388 (47.8) 119 (51.3) 269 (46.5) 0.213
 Male 423 (52.2) 113 (48.7) 310 (53.5)
Education level
 Primary 51 (6.3) 22 (9.5) 29 (5.0) 0.011
 Secondary 54 (6.7) 22 (9.5) 32 (5.5)
 Certificate/diploma 419 (51.7) 107 (46.1) 312 (53.9)
 Degree/Master’s/PhD 287 (35.4) 81 (34.9) 206 (35.6)
 Medical attendant 105 (12.9) 44 (18.9) 61 (10.5) 0.004
 Nurse/clinical officer 419 (51.7) 107 (46.1) 312 (53.9)
 Doctor/specialist 287 (35.4) 81 (34.9) 206 (35.6)
Smoking status (yes) 47 (5.8) 15 (6.5) 32 (5.5) 0.605
Exercise regularly (yes) 465 (57.3) 133 (57.3) 332 (57.3) 0.997
Chronic conditions (yes) 113 (13.9) 45 (19.40) 68 (11.7) 0.004
Name of conditions
 Hypertension 51 (45.1)
 Diabetes mellitus 24 (21.2)
 Asthma 17 (15.0)
 Heart disease 7 (6.2)
 Cancer 4 (3.5)
 Others 10 (8.9)