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. 2022 Sep 3;7(9):226. doi: 10.3390/tropicalmed7090226

Table 1.

Distribution of demographic/anthropometric parameters and immunosuppressive treatment in cases (Blastocystis-positive patients) and in controls (Blastocystis-negative patients).

Variable Blastocystis-Positive Patients Blastocystis-Negative Patients p-Value
Geographical origin <0.001
Spain 215/337 (63.8%) a 2712/3343 (81.1%) b
Rest of Europe 33/337 (9.8%) a 267/3343 (8.0%) a
Africa 48/337 (14.20%) a 165/3343 (4.9%) b
America 30/337 (8.9%) a 144/3343 (4.3%) b
Asia 11/337 (3.3%) a 55/3343 (1.6%) b
Age groups 0.140
≤16 years 148/338 (43.8) 1321/3344 (39.5%)
>16 years 190/338 (56.2%) 2023/3344 (60.5%)
Sex 0.125
Male 180/338 (53.3%) 1629/3344 (48.7%)
Female 158/338 (46.7%) 1715/3344 (51.3%)
Categorized BMI <0.001
Underweight (<18.4) 95/276 (34.4%) a 266/2349 (11.3%) b
Normal (18.5–24.9) 92/276 (33.3%) a 939/2349 (40%) b
Overweight (25–29.9) 55/276 (19.9%) a 891/2349 (37.9%) b
Obesity 30–> 40 34/276 (12.3%) a 253/2349 (10.8%) a
Immunosuppressive treatment
Chemotherapy 6/337 (1.8%) 1/3344 (0%) <0.001
Monoclonal antibodies 3/337 (0.9%) 0/3344 (0%) 0.001
Antiretroviral drugs 3/337 (0.9%) 0/3344 (0%) 0.001
Nucleoside analogs 1/337 (0.3%) 47/3344 (1.4%) 0.124
Corticosteroids 3/337 (0.9%) 965/3344 (28.9%) <0.001
Age (years) * 30.18 ± 1.294 36.11 ± 0.511 <0.001
BMI (Kg/m2) * 21.21 (9.51) 24.89 (5.10) <0.001

* Quantitative variable. Data are reported as counts (%), except for age (years), which is described as the mean ± SE, and for BMI (kg/m2), which is summarized as median and interquartile range (IQR). a,b: Values within a row with different superscripts differ significantly at p < 0.050.