Second and third vaccine dose grouping analyses of unpaired longitudinal NAb data. (A,B) Unsupervised hierarchical clustering analysis performed using (A) 265 s dose subjects with percent neutralization data collected at pre-2nd dose, post-2nd dose, month 2, month 3, month 4, month 5, and months 6–8, and (B) 142 third-dose subjects with percent neutralization data collected at pre-3rd dose, post-3rd dose, month 2, month 3, month 4, month 5, and months 6–8. Dendrograms from both (A,B) show that the data are best classified as two groups such that within-group covariance is greater than between-group variance. In (A), 201 subjects were grouped as “vaccine moderate responders” while 64 subjects were classified as “vaccine strong responders” (VSR), while in (B), 30 subjects were classified as “vaccine moderate responders” (VMR) and 112 subjects were classified as “vaccine strong responders” (see (C,D)). (C,D) Line graphs showing percent neutralization by time following (C) 2nd dose and (D) 3rd dose between VSR and VMR. Data were grouped as indicated by unsupervised clustering (A,B). Error bars represent standard error. Significance determined by Mann–Whitney U test; FDR-controlled q values shown. * q < 0.05, *** q < 0.001. (E,F) PCA performed using percent neutralization values from (E) pre-2nd dose to months 6–8, and (F) pre-3rd dose to months 6–8. For both PCA score plots, subjects were classified as VSR or VMR via unsupervised clustering and significance analysis of measured differences in percent neutralization at each timepoint.