FIG. 3.
TEM images of negatively stained C9.10. (A) C9.10 in the absence of IPTG. (B) IPTG at 0.005 mM. (C) IPTG at 0.01 mM. (D) IPTG at 0.02 mM. (E) IPTG at 0.05 mM. (F) IPTG at 0.5 mM. (G) IPTG at 5.0 mM. A typical cell from the grid is shown for each level of induction except for panel B, which represents a minority of the population. Scale bars in panels A and F represent 0.5 μm; panel B to E and panel G images were obtained at the same magnification as for panel A. The arrow in panel B points to a pilus.