a, Plot of estimated cell type proportion in ex vivo adipocyte cultures differentiated from subcutaneous or visceral preadipocytes for 14 days, ordered by estimated proportion. b-c, Scatterplots showing the relationship between estimated cell type proportion and the LipocyteProfiler-calculated features Large BODIPY objects (b) and Median BODIPY Intensity (c). p values were calculated using an F-test with the null hypothesis that the slope = 0. d, Representative images of hAd3 low/hAd5 or hAd3 high hAd5 low ex vivo differentiated cultures. Green represents BODIPY staining, blue represents Hoechst staining. Scale bars are 100 μm, in total, 3 randomly selected images/sample were analyzed from 3 SAT samples and 3 VAT samples with the lowest and highest predicted proportions of hAd3 and hAd5.