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. 2022 Aug 29;10(9):1422. doi: 10.3390/vaccines10091422

Table 2.

Time series analysis of public emotion and vaccination.

(1) (2) (3) (4)
Interaction Models
Variables Initial Model Income Unemployment Vaccine Policy
PFC 109.1 *** 180.1 *** −181.5 *** 4.917
(4.208) (13.41) (11.67) (6.787)
New infected −11.52 *** −11.57 *** −11.82 *** −11.58 ***
(0.124) (0.124) (0.122) (0.122)
Days of vaccines availability 245.2 *** 244.4 *** 242.9 *** 247.2 ***
(12.78) (12.77) (12.52) (12.60)
Days of incentive policy 217.8 *** 217.6 *** 214.0 *** 200.9 ***
(48.19) (48.15) (47.22) (47.51)
Biden support proportion 6206 5146 3416 4470
(4470) (4470) (4381) (4411)
Total nurse practitioners 614.0 *** 612.1 *** 579.9 *** 601.4 ***
(4.678) (4.686) (4.759) (4.667)
Unemployment rate −114.3 −117.1 −635.8 ** −69.31
(230.4) (230.2) (226.6) (227.4)
Per capita income ($) −0.148 −0.0280 0.0795 −0.130
(0.108) (0.110) (0.106) (0.106)
Percent of bachelor’s degree −166.6 * −162.3 * −47.71 −99.06
(80.06) (80.00) (78.57) (78.99)
BIPOC −13,736 *** −11,457 ** −5335 −12,329 ***
(3506) (3527) (3450) (3463)
Population aged 65 and above −976.7 −1192 12,854 11,398
(10,056) (10,047) (9867) (9929)
Population log −2828 *** −2806 *** −243.6 −1482 ***
(421.6) (421.3) (424.4) (420.3)
Bonus −1665 −1466 −1937 38.91
(1326) (1325) (1299) (1353)
Lottery 2935 ** 3236 *** 3003 ** −282.8
(937.7) (938.5) (918.8) (937.2)
Fear index × Per capita income −0.00215 ***
Fear index × Unemployment rate 30.54 ***
Bonus × Fear index −80.64 ***
Lottery × Fear index 143.1 ***
Constant 24,028 *** 20,760 *** −7491 8224
(5131) (5160) (5165) (5107)
Observations 16,976 16,976 16,976 16,976
Number of Counties 2856 2856 2856 2856

Note: This table reports the beta-coefficient. Standard errors in parentheses. *** p < 0.001, ** p < 0.01, * p < 0.05.