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. 2022 Aug 23;8(9):895. doi: 10.3390/jof8090895
1. Sporangia sometimes with neck-like base Umbelopsis longicollis
Sporangia without neck-like base 2
2. Colonies drab grey when the sporangia are produced heavily 3
Colonies roseate to almost white when the sporangia are produced heavily 4
3. Sporangia obovate to ovate U. ovata
Sporangia globose to subglobose U. isabellina
4. With two kinds of sporangia, single- and multi-spored U. dimorpha
With one kind of sporangia, single- or multi-spored 5
5. Colony color white to pale pinkish; sporangia single-spored with 4.5–8.0 µm in diam.; sporangiospores globose with the same size of sporangia U. nana
Colony color roseate to pale pinkish; sporangia multi-spored larger than 10 µm; sporangiospore globose to oblong-ellipsoidal far smaller than sporangia 6
6. Sporangiospores globose, maximum growth temperature 40 °C U. autotrophica
Sporangiospores subglobose, ovoid to oblong-ellipsoidal, angular or irregular; maximum growth temperature no more than 39 °C 7
7. Sporangiophores no more than 100 µm in length 8
Sporangiophores mainly more than 100 µm in length 10
8. Colonies reaching 20–21 mm in diam. on MEA after 7 days at 20 °C; sporangiospores globose, ellipsoidal or angular U. sinsidoensis
Colonies reaching more than 30 mm in diam. on MEA after 7 days at 20 °C; sporangiospores angular 9
9. Colonies russet; sporangiophores umbellately branched from distinct vesicles on agar surface, (16–) 23–63 (−80) µm in length; columellae small but distinct 3.2–5.5 × 1.6–3.8; without micro-chlamydospores U. changbaiensis
Colonies light russet-vinaceous pinkish; sporangiophores simply branched from slightly swollen stalks, (27.7–) 47.4–94.8 µm in length; columellae absent or slightly convex up to 1 µm diam.; with micro-chlamydospores U. vinacea
10. Sporangia fusiform; without columella U. fusiformis
Sporangia globose to subglobose; with distinct columellae 11
11. Columellae distinct to inconspicuous and variable in shape and size; sporangiospores variable in shape and size up to 3.5–5 × 5–11 µm U. heterosporus
Columellae distinct and uniform; sporangiospores mostly uniform and no more than 6 µm in diam 12
12. Sporangiophores mainly umbellately branched from swollen portion of the subtended stalk U. wiegerinckiae
Sporangiophores sympodial branched from slightly swollen stalks 13
13. Sporangiospores angular U. angularis
Sporangiospores not angular 14
14. Sporangiospores with appendage 15
Sporangiospores smooth 17
15. Sporangiophores straight, sporangiospores without a narrowed end, walls thickened unilaterally U. gibberispora
Sporangiophores sometimes recurved; sporangiospores with a narrowed end, walls thickened or not 19
16. Sporangiospores tear-shaped with 4.0–6.0 ×2.0–2.5 µm U. swartii
Sporangiospores oval to clavate with distinctively thickened wall at the narrower end with 4.0–6.0–8.0 × 2.5–3.5 µm U. westeae
17. Colony color deep roseate, Indian red to dark vinaceous-brown; sporangial walls slowly deliquescent U. dura
Colony color roseate to pinkish, brownish vinaceous to light russet-vinaceous; sporangial walls quickly deliquescent 18
18. Sporangiospores ovoid to ellipsoidal no curved, mostly 2.4–3.5 µm in length 19
Sporangiospores ellipsoidal to oblong-ellipsoidal and sometimes slightly curved to one side, mainly 3.5–4.9 µm in length 20
19. Colony diam. on CMA reaching 35–40 mm in diam. after 10 days at 18 °C; maximum growth temperature 31–32 °C; columellae mostly depressed globose (3.0–) 4.0–6.5 (–10.0) × (2.5–) 3.5–5.5 (–9.0) µm U. microsporangia
Colony diam. on CMA reaching 40–44 mm in diam. after 10 days at 18 °C, maximum growth temperature higher than 32 °C; columellae mostly subglobose (4.0–) 6.0–8.0 (–10.0) µm U. ramanniana
20. Colony diam. on CMA reaching 60–62 mm in diam. after 10 days at 18 °C; colonies 1 mm in high; sporangiophores(120–) 270–475 (–980) µm in length U. oblongielliptica
Colony diam. on CMA reaching 43–48 mm in diam. after 10 days at 18 °C; colonies up to 2 or 3 mm; sporangiophores commonly more than 500 µm in length 21
21. Sporangiospores oblong-ellipsoidal to ellipsoidal, (3.6–) 4.0–4.9 (–5.5) × (1.7–) 2.4–2.8 (–3.2) µm; macro-chlamydospore not formed on CMA and MEA U. macrospora
Sporangiospores ellipsoidal (2.7–) 3.2–4.5 (–5.7) × (1.6–) 2.0–2.4 (–2.8) µm in size; macro-chlamydospore abundant on CMA and MEA U. curvata