Fig. 1.
Minimum spanning tree of variable number tandem repeat (VNTR) profiles at the first eight loci of the 42 isolates belonging to capsular type K54 and/or of profile 7,3,1/7,5,1,2,3/4,1,2/3/4,2,4/5 (corresponding to CG29) found during 2012–2017. Each circle represents a type and the size of the circle is proportional to the number of isolates of that type. Circles 1 and 2 denote profiles beginning 7,3,1,5,1,2,4,1 (19 isolates) and 7,3,1,-,1,2,4,1 (two isolates), respectively; segments marked in red denote K54 isolates of CG29-positive for rmpA/rmpA2, those in dark blue K54 isolates attributed to CG29 in which rmpA/rmpA2 were not detected, and uncoloured/green segments those of CG29-negative for K54 and negative for rmpA/rmpA2; NCTC 9159 is denoted by the green segment. K54 isolates not of CG29 are denoted by turquoise circles, e.g. circles 3 and 4 denote isolates with profiles beginning 4,1,3,2,2,2,2,3 and 1,-,2,4,0,1,2,5. Thick solid lines join single-locus variants, while thinner, dashed or dotted lines join multilocus variants (up to three, four and six loci different, respectively).