Fig. 2.
Phylogenetic relationships between three genomic regions of cowpox virus (CPXV) isolates collected in Russia in 2015 and other orthppoxviruses. TNF-α receptor-like protein (CrmB; 1056 nt: positions 2286–3341 of CPXV strain GRI-90); thymidine kinase (TK; 1829 nt: positions 96 315–98 143 of CPXV strain GRI-90); haemagglutinin (HA; 939 nt: positions 178 776–179 720 of CPXV strain GRI-90). Phylogenetic trees were constructed using the neighbour-joining method and MEGA4 software. The numbers at the nodes represent the percent bootstrap support for 1000 replicates. Only values above 75% are shown. Bars at the base of the trees show the genetic divergence. The CPXV strain Kostroma/2015, described in this paper, is indicated by a star (⋆).