Fig. 1.
Experimental task & procedure. Both RHI procedures began with a pre-test baseline block of 6 proprioceptive judgments, during which participants had to indicate with their right hand where they felt their left index finger by pointing on a ruler in front of them. The pre-test proprioceptive judgments were followed by 180 s of stroking, which could be either Synchronous (top panels) or Asynchronous (bottom panels), according to the condition. Then, after the stroking period, a post-test block of 6 proprioceptive judgments and the subjective questionnaires were collected. Visuo-tactile RHI (Left Panel), the experimenter’s hands (in grey) stimulated the unseen participants’ left hand synchronously/asynchronously with the rubber hand (the green one). Tacto-tactile RHI (Right Panel), participants were blindfolded, the left experimenter’s hand (in grey) stroked the participants’ left hand, while the right experimenter’s hand was holding the participants’ right hand to stroke the rubber hand (in green), synchronously/asynchronously according to the condition (colour figure online)