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. 2022 Jul 1;50(17):e101. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkac543

Table 1.

Evaluation of the simulated data (read length: 2× 250 bp). Low complexity data are 20 strains from 10 species, at average coverage 20× per strain. Medium complexity data are 100 strains from 30 species, at average coverage of 20× per strain. High complexity data are 1057 strains from 376 species, at average coverage of 10× per strain. XC is short for the species aware clustering that StrainXpress implements. Identity is the percentage of the completely matching bases of the contig in the optimal alignment with the ground truth. Error Rate = mismatch rate + indel rate

Assembly Genome Identity (%) Total assembly N50 NGA50 Misassembled Error
Fraction (%) Length Contig rate (%) Rate (%)
Low complexity data (20×)
StrainXpress 93.45 99.93 99839190 2584 2955 0.11 0.06
SPAdes 74.74 99.91 58772582 5251 1749 0.09 0.04
GATB-Minia 73.33 99.78 67108819 6319 3240 0.25 0.09
IDBA-UD 62.73 99.91 54982071 9159 2381 0.04 0.09
MEGAHIT 62.69 99.71 55186304 20395 4356 1.05 0.15
metaSPAdes 66.56 99.76 62069880 18991 6723 0.10 0.11
Medium complexity data (20X)
StrainXpress 95.16 99.94 465118278 1685 2174 0.08 0.07
SPAdes 72.18 99.55 246604702 10966 2254 0.44 0.08
XC+SPAdes 59.05 99.63 206345396 4104 761 0.72 0.14
GATB-Minia 70.40 99.76 259945654 8324 3107 0.53 0.09
XC+GATB-Minia 70.55 99.77 267643882 8005 3305 0.61 0.11
IDBA-UD 62.01 99.81 216415403 5323 1059 0.22 0.08
XC+IDBA-UD 66.02 99.87 243646195 6107 1948 0.27 0.12
MEGAHIT 62.77 99.47 225937990 3400 1011 14.16 0.38
XC+MEGAHIT 68.77 99.63 267230659 13454 5483 1.06 0.24
metaSPAdes 63.38 99.81 228257504 19701 4394 0.37 0.14
XC+metaSPAdes 53.99 99.71 195286660 6394 729 0.78 0.24
High complexity data (10×)
StrainXpress 84.36 99.88 2278280614 1337 894 0.14 0.22
XC+MEGAHIT 75.63 99.56 2354992154 3358 1686 2.14 0.87
XC+IDBA-UD 70.18 99.68 2006623170 3540 1219 2.25 0.36
XC+GATB-Minia 68.20 99.78 1747199484 3382 794 1.07 0.25
XC+SPAdes 19.23 99.41 367171437 2542 - 3.16 0.64
XC+metaSPAdes 47.21 99.55 708596842 2613 - 1.46 0.45