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. 2022 Summer;21(2):ar38. doi: 10.1187/cbe.21-08-0203


Mean, standard deviation, treatment effect on the treated (ATET propensity score matching) for future intent for gender and ethnic groups in traditional laboratory and SEA-PHAGES courses (n = 200)

Estimation method Future intent Intent to complete science degree
Men PEERAre there differences in the future intent because of ethnicity or race (PEER) and White/Asian male students in the SEA-PHAGES program?
SEA-PHAGESMen PEERMen White/Asian 3.57 (1.32) 3.75 (1.07) 4.24 (0.98) 4.18 (1.09)
ATET propensity score matching Coeff.SEzSig. −0.070.18−0.380.7
Are there differences in the future intent because of ethnicity or race (PEER) male students in the SEA-PHAGES program and the traditional laboratory?
PEER menSEA-PHAGESTraditional lab 3.57 (0.14) 3.17 (0.16) 4.24 (0.1) 4.12 (0.11)
ATET propensity score matching Coeff.SEzSig. 0.310.16−1.90.05 −0.360.2−1.780.08
Are there differences in the future intent because of ethnicity or race (PEER) and White/Asian male students in the traditional laboratory?
TraditionalMen PEERMen White/Asian 3.17 (0.15) 3.6 (0.1) 4.12 (0.11) 3.9 (0.13)
ATET propensity score matching Coeff.SEzSig. −0.0020.15−0.020.98 −0.090.17−0.580.56
Women PEERAre there differences in the future intent because of ethnicity or race (PEER) and White/Asian female students in the SEA-PHAGES program?
SEA-PHAGESWomen PEERWomen White/Asian 3.96 (0.1) 4.06 (0.1) 4.33 (0.1) 4.57 (0.08)
ATET propensity score matching Coeff.SEzSig. −0.0090.19−0.050.96
Are there differences in the research experiences because of ethnicity or race (PEER) female students in the SEA-PHAGES program and the traditional laboratory?
PEER womenSEA-PHAGESTraditional lab 3.97 (0.1) 3.37 (0.13 4.32 (0.1) 3.97 (0.12)
ATET propensity score matching Coeff.SEzSig. −0.710.28−2.560.01* −0.490.27−1.810.07
Are there differences in the future intent because of ethnicity or race (PEER) and White/Asian female students in the traditional laboratory?
TraditionalWomen PEERWomen White/Asian 3.61 (1.23) 3.7 (1.13) 4.11 (1.14) 4.10 (1.18)
ATET propensity score matching Coeff.SEzSig. −0.330.22−1.540.13
GenderAre there differences in the research experiences of male and female students in the SEA-PHAGES program?
SEA-PHAGESMenWomen 3.58 (0.12) 4.07 (0.09) 4.16 (0.11) 4.49 (0.09)
ATET propensity score matching Coeff.SEzSig. 0.390.152.600.009* 0.490.192.580.01*
Are there differences in the research experiences of male and female students in the traditional laboratory course?
TraditionalMenWomen 3.24 (0.15) 3.52 (0.12) 4.13 (0.12) 4.22 (0.1)
ATET propensity score matching Coeff.SEzSig. −0.150.2−0.730.47 −0.290.14−2.130.03*

*Significant at 0.05 level following a Holm-Bonferroni correction.