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. 2022 Jul 8;3(3):e179. doi: 10.1097/AS9.0000000000000179


List of Articles Selected for Inclusion and Their Definitions of Coaching

No. Title Study ID Coaching Definitions(s) Study Objectives
1 A statewide surgical coaching program provides opportunity for continuous professional development Greenberg et al16 Coaching—“an experiential process for improving any aspect of surgical performance, including technical, cognitive, and interpersonal skills… based upon a partnership between 2 surgeons in which one facilitates the other’s pursuit of self-identified goals through collaborative analysis, peer support, and constructive feedback. Coaching emphasizes the development and refinement of the learner’s existing skills and his/her empowerment to make changes to practice”
Peer coaching—“a distinctive type of coaching in which peers at a similar level of knowledge engage in an equal noncompetitive relationship”
To develop and implement an evidence-based peer coaching program for board-eligible/certified surgeons across practice settings in the state of Wisconsin. The four main objectives were to identify the goals of surgeons participating in the peer coaching, evaluate the extent that the coaching session adhered to the stated goal, evaluate the effectiveness of surgeon coaches to employ activities of coaching; evaluate the perceived value of participation in a surgical coaching program
2 Targeted surgical coaching can improve operative self-assessment ability: A single-blinded nonrandomized trial Bull et al17 Surgical coaching—“a constructive relationship that provides objective feedback to individuals about a broad range of factors influencing operative performance. There is a focus on improvement and refinement of existing skills, rather than teaching new techniques or philosophies. Individualized approaches are required to effectively implement these objectives. Excellent coaching interactions encourage discussion, affirm positive beliefs, and challenge assumptions” To investigate the effect of targeted surgical coaching on self-assessment of laparoscopic skill
3 Team Leader Coaching Intervention: An Investigation of the Impact on Team Processes and Performance Within a Surgical Context Maynard et al18 Coaching—“a process of equipping people with the tools, knowledge, and opportunities they need to develop themselves and become more effective.”
Leadership coaching—“targeted interventions that involve a formal one-on-one relationship between a leader and a coach (who has no formal supervisor authority over the person being coached), with the purpose of improving the leader’s effectiveness”
To determine whether a team leader coaching intervention can improve episodic team processes and enhance operating team outcomes
4 Surgical Coaching for Operative Performance Enhancement (SCOPE): skill ratings and impact on surgeons’ practice Pradarelli et al19 Surgical peer coaching—a “series of structured one-on-one discussions over time… provides space for surgeons to reflect on their performance with another surgeon (i.e., a peer coach) and make changes to their own practice” To better understand the impact of coaching on surgeons’ performance, to measure surgeons’ technical and nontechnical skills throughout a longitudinal surgical coaching program
5 Feasibility of Surgeon-Delivered Audit and Feedback Incorporating Peer Surgical Coaching to Reduce Fistula Incidence following Cleft Palate Repair: A Pilot Trial Sitzman et al20 Surgical coaching—“a social interaction that aims to develop expertise by setting specific goals and providing feedback to achieve those goals” To determine the feasibility of a surgeon-delivered audit and feedback intervention incorporating peer surgical coaching.
6 Association of a Statewide Surgical Coaching Program with Clinical Outcomes and Surgeon Perceptions Greenberg et al21 N/A To assess the association between participation in a surgical coaching program and risk-adjusted outcomes
7 Evaluation of Coaching Impact on Surgical Outcomes Duclos22 N/A To evaluate the impact of a customized surgical coaching program, targeting surgeons’ physiological factors (sleep, stress, physical activity), on the occurrence of patient major adverse events.
8 Effect of Coaching on Surgeon Wellbeing, Job Satisfaction, & Fulfillment Dyrbye23 N/A To determine if individualized professional coaching improves physicians’ sense of wellbeing and jobsatisfaction.