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. 2022 Sep 24;12:15945. doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-19907-w

Table 1.

Weighted prevalence (%) and (95% confidence interval) of population characteristics by Indigenous status and geographic region.

Frequency (n) Overall Indigenousf Non-Indigenous Rural/remote Suburban Urban
Age (years)
18 to 34 1814 27.3 (26.2–28.4) 22.6 (18.3–27.5) 27.5 (26.4–28.6) 23.8 (21.4–26.4) 27.5 (26.1–29.1) 28.7 (26.8–30.6)
35 to 54 2267 34.1 (33–35.3) 43.7 (38.3–49.2) 33.6 (32.5–34.8)g 36.3 (33.6–39.2) 33.9 (32.3–35.5) 33.3 (31.3–35.3)
55 or older 2566 38.6 (37.4–39.8) 33.7 (28.7–39.1) 38.8 (37.7–40.1) 39.8 (37–42.7) 38.6 (36.9–40.2) 38 (36–40.1)
Female 3366 50.6 (49.4–51.8) 55.2 (49.7–60.5) 50.4 (49.2–51.6) 50.8 (47.9–53.7) 52 (50.3–53.7) 48.5 (46.4–50.6)
Male 3193 48 (46.8–49.2) 42.8 (37.5–48.3) 48.3 (47.1–49.5) 48.1 (45.2–51) 46.9 (45.2–48.6) 49.8 (47.7–51.9)
Other/prefer not to say 88 1.3 (1.1–1.6) F 1.3 (1–1.6) 1.1 (0.7–1.9) E 1.1 (0.8–1.5) 1.8 (1.3–2.4)
Current situation regarding work or schooling
Work/attend school outside home 2413 36.3 (35.2–37.5) 40.6 (35.3–46.1) 36.1 (34.9–37.3) 43.3 (40.4–46.2) 34.9 (33.3–36.6)h 34.8 (32.8–36.8)h
Work/attend school inside home 2331 35.1 (33.9–36.2) 29.5 (24.7–34.7) 35.4 (34.2–36.5)g 24.7 (22.3–27.3) 37.8 (36.1–39.4)h 36.4 (34.4–38.4)h
Retired 1501 22.6 (21.6–23.6) 15.8 (12.2–20.2) 22.9 (21.9–24)g 23.5 (21.1–26) 22.8 (21.4–24.3) 21.8 (20.1–23.5)
Unemployed 538 8.1 (7.5–8.8) 12.4 (9.2–16.5) 7.9 (7.2–8.6)g 9.5 (7.9–11.4) 7.6 (6.8–8.6) 8 (7–9.3)
On paid leave (sick leave, maternity, disability) 180 2.7 (2.3–3.1) 4.9 (3–7.9) E 2.6 (2.2–3)g 2.9 (2–4) E 2.8 (2.3–3.4) 2.5 (1.9–3.2)
Other 221 3.3 (2.9–3.8) 3.9 (2.3–6.7) E 3.3 (2.9–3.8) 4.5 (3.4–5.9) 3 (2.5–3.7) 3.2 (2.5–4)
Highest level of education completed
High school/equiv.a 1221 18.7 (17.8–19.7) 24.8 (20.3–30) 18.4 (17.5–19.4)g 23.5 (21.1–26.1) 18.4 (17.1–19.8)h 16.7 (15.2–18.4)h
Cert/dip < bachelorb 2429 37.3 (36.1–38.4) 47.5 (41.9–53) 36.7 (35.6–38)g 45.5 (42.5–48.4) 35.8 (34.2–37.5)h 35.2 (33.2–37.2)h
Bachelor/post graduate degree 2870 44 (42.8–45.2) 27.7 (23–33) 44.8 (43.6–46.1)g 31 (28.4–33.8) 45.8 (44.1–47.5)h 48.1 (46–50.2)h
Prefer not to say 147
Total household income in 2020 from all sources before taxes
< $40 K 1069 18.4 (17.4–19.4) 27.5 (22.7–32.9) 17.9 (16.9–18.9)g 20.4 (18–23) 16.3 (15–17.7)h 20.3 (18.6–22.2)
$40 K–< $80 K 1629 28 (26.8–29.1) 29.2 (24.2–34.7) 27.9 (26.8–29.1) 30.5 (27.7–33.4) 26.4 (24.8–28.1) 28.9 (27–31)
$80 K–< $150 K 2090 35.9 (34.7–37.1) 30 (25–35.5) 36.2 (35–37.5)g 33.9 (31.1–36.9) 38.5 (36.7–40.3)h 33.1 (31–35.2)
> $150 K 1034 17.8 (16.8–18.8) 13.3 (9.9–17.7) 18 (17–19)g 15.2 (13.1–17.5) 18.8 (17.4–20.2)h 17.6 (16–19.4)
Prefer not to say 756
BC 955 14.4 (13.6–15.3) 21.9 (17.7–26.8) 14 (13.2–14.9)g 14.6 (12.7–16.8) 15.6 (14.4–16.9) 12.5 (11.2–14)
AB 803 12.1 (11.4–12.9) 21.3 (17.1–26.1) 11.7 (10.9–12.5)g 12.1 (10.3–14.1) 10.4 (9.4–11.4) 14.8 (13.4–16.3)
MB/SK 329 5 (4.5–5.5) 14.2 (10.8–18.5) 4.5 (4–5)g 5.7 (4.5–7.2) 3.3 (2.8–4) 7.1 (6.1–8.2)
ON 2670 40.3 (39.1–41.5) 22.8 (18.5–27.8) 41.2 (40–42.4)g 33.3 (30.7–36.1) 41.6 (39.9–43.3)h 42 (40–44.1)h
QC 1234 18.6 (17.7–19.6) 11.8 (8.7–15.8) 19 (18–20)g 20.3 (18–22.7) 19.7 (18.3–21) 16.2 (14.7–17.8)h
Atlantic provincesc 635 9.6 (8.9–10.3) 8 (5.5–11.5) E 9.7 (9–10.4) 14 (12.1–16.1) 9.5 (8.6–10.6)h 7.4 (6.4–8.6)h
Prefer not to say 18
Rated physical health in general, for one’s age
Fair/poor 1091 16.4 (15.5–17.3) 24.1 (19.7–29.1) 16 (15.1–17)g 16.8 (14.7–19.1) 16.5 (15.3–17.8) 16 (14.5–17.6)
Excellent/very good/good 5556 83.6 (82.7–84.5) 75.9 (70.9–80.3) 84 (83–84.9)g 83.2 (80.9–85.3) 83.5 (82.2–84.7) 84 (82.4–85.5)
Rated mental health in general, for one’s age
Fair/poor 1399 21.1 (20.1–22) 29.7 (24.9–34.9) 20.6 (19.6–21.6)g 20.8 (18.5–23.2) 20.9 (19.5–22.3) 21.5 (19.8–23.2)
Excellent/very good/good 5248 78.9 (78–79.9) 70.3 (65.1–75.1) 79.4 (78.4–80.4)g 79.2 (76.8–81.5) 79.1 (77.7–80.5) 78.5 (76.8–80.2)
HSDd 516 7.8 (7.1–8.4) 9 (6.3–12.6)E 7.7 (7.1–8.4) 5.5 (4.3–6.9) 7.2 (6.4–8.1) 9.8 (8.6–11.1)h
Highly sensitive to noisee 893 13.4 (12.6–14.3) 13.5 (10.2–17.7) 13.4 (12.6–14.3) 12 (10.3–14.1) 13.9 (12.7–15.1) 13.5 (12.1–15)
Chronic health conditions diagnosed by professional or undiagnosed but suffering
Heart disease incl. high blood pressure
 Diagnosed 1265 19 (18.1–20) 19.1 (15.1–23.8) 19 (18.1–20) 19.4 (17.2–21.8) 19.7 (18.4–21.1) 17.8 (16.3–19.5)
 Suffer 214 3.2 (2.8–3.7) 4.7 (2.9–7.7)E 3.1 (2.7–3.6) 4.1 (3.1–5.4) 3.1 (2.5–3.7) 3 (2.3–3.8)
 Not applicable 5168 77.7 (76.7–78.7) 76.2 (71.2–80.6) 77.8 (76.8–78.8) 76.5 (74–78.9) 77.2 (75.8–78.6) 79.2 (77.4–80.8)
Anxiety or depression
 Diagnosed 1357 20.4 (19.5–21.4) 30.2 (25.4–35.5) 19.9 (19–20.9)g 19.8 (17.5–22.2) 19.9 (18.6–21.3) 21.5 (19.8–23.3)
 Suffer 1355 20.4 (19.4–21.4) 23.3 (19–28.3) 20.2 (19.3–21.2) 19.9 (17.7–22.3) 21.1 (19.8–22.5) 19.5 (17.9–21.2)
 Not applicable 3935 59.2 (58–60.4) 46.4 (41–51.9) 59.8 (58.6–61)g 60.3 (57.5–63.1) 59 (57.3–60.6) 59 (56.9–61)
Sleep disorder
 Diagnosed 766 11.5 (10.8–12.3) 14.6 (11.2–18.9) 11.4 (10.6–12.2) 10.5 (8.9–12.5) 12.4 (11.3–13.6) 10.7 (9.5–12.1)
 Suffer 1171 17.6 (16.7–18.6) 21.9 (17.7–26.8) 17.4 (16.5–18.4) 17.9 (15.8–20.2) 17 (15.7–18.3) 18.5 (16.9–20.2)
 Not applicable 4710 70.9 (69.7–71.9) 63.4 (58–68.6) 71.2 (70.1–72.3)g 71.5 (68.9–74.1) 70.6 (69.1–72.2) 70.8 (68.9–72.7)
Hearing loss
 Diagnosed 603 9.1 (8.4–9.8) 11 (8–14.9) 9 (8.3–9.7) 10 (8.4–11.9) 8.8 (7.9–9.8) 9 (7.9–10.3)
 Suffer 704 10.6 (9.9–11.3) 15.7 (12.1–20.1) 10.3 (9.6–11.1)g 11.8 (10–13.8) 10.2 (9.2–11.3) 10.5 (9.3–11.9)
 Not applicable 5340 80.3 (79.4–81.3) 73.3 (68.2–77.9) 80.7 (79.7–81.6)g 78.2 (75.7–80.5) 81 (79.6–82.3) 80.5 (78.7–82.1)

aUp to high school diploma or equivalent.

bCertificate or diploma, could be from a registered apprenticeship, or other trade, college, CEGEP or other non-university, university below bachelor's level.

cAtlantic provinces include New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland Labrador.

dHSD highly sleep disturbed, included responses 8, 9 or 10 on the 11-point numeric scale where 0 was equivalent to not at all sleep disturbed and 10 was equivalent to extremely sleep disturbed.

eHighly sensitive to noise, included responses 8, 9 or 10 on the 11-point numeric scale where 0 was equivalent to not at all noise sensitive and 10 was equivalent to extremely sensitive to noise.

fSelf-reported as First Nation, Métis, Inuk (Inuit).

gSignificantly different from Indigenous (p < 0.05).

hSignificantly different from Rural/remote regions (p < 0.05).

E Coefficient of variation was between 16.6 and 33.3%, interpret with caution due to the high sampling variability.

F Coefficient of variation was greater than 33.3%, data could not be released due to questionable validity.