a: Richness comparing matched (gray lines) HS vs. AK, and
SCC. b: PCoA clustering of scaled data. Ellipses and density plots
are described in Supplementary
Materials and Methods, c and d: LDA score
plot showing differentially abundant genera in HS vs. AK, and SCC (matched
datasets). Scores ≥2 for HS vs. AK and ≥3 for HS vs. SCC (full
datasets in Figure S4)
were ranked by effect size, e: Abundances of C.
acnes, f:
S. aureus for matched HS vs. AK and SCC. g:
C. acnes:S. aureus ratio in scaled
dataset. P-values were calculated by paired (a, e, f) and unpaired (g) Wilcoxon
test. For (g), p-values were FDR-corrected. P-value of mixed effects models:
*<0.1, **<0.05, ***<0.01 (Table S7).