Figure 1. Trends in incidence of selected early-onset cancers.
Trends in the incidence of 14 cancer types with increasing incidences among 20–49 year-old adults during the period of 2002–2012, by country and region. Age-standardized cancer incidence data were obtained from the Global Cancer Observatory (GLOBOCAN; Horizontal bars indicate 95% confidence interval (CIs). Larger 95% CIs that do not fit onto the graph scale are indicated by arrows. Data were obtained from 44 countries that provided age-standardized data on cancer incidence during 2002–2012. Among these, we selected 10 countries that are indicative of trends in specific geographical regions. The full dataset, including data from all 44 countries is shown in Supplementary Table 1. Average annual percentage changes (AAPCs) with 95% confidence intervals (shown as horizontal bars) in incidence were calculated using the Joinpoint Regression Program (version for data obtained for 2002–2012, except for Slovakia (2000–2010) owing to differences in data availability. A maximum of two joinpoints were permitted in this analysis. Although extrahepatic bile duct cancer and gallbladder cancer (EBDC & GC) are distinct cancer types, making precise classifications is often difficult, hence, these cancer types are often recorded and data calculated together. Data were not available on the incidence of thyroid cancer among women in Slovakia. AAPC, annual average percent increase; EBDC & GC, extrahepatic bile duct cancer and gallbladder cancer.