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. 2022 Sep 23;6(1):e001588. doi: 10.1136/bmjpo-2022-001588

Table 2.

Demographic and socioeconomic characteristics of mothers of infants in Mettu town, 2021 (n=354)

Variable Categories Frequency Percentage
Sex of child Male 184 51.98
Female 170 48.02
Age of child (months) 0–11 187 52.8
12–23 167 47.2
Maternal age <30 329 92.9
≥30 25 7.1
Religion of mother Orthodox 136 38.5
Muslim 111 31.4
Protestant 96 27
Others* 11 3.1
Ethnicity of mother Oromo 289 81.7
Amhara 36 10.1
Gurage 14 4
Others† 15 4.2
Level of education No formal education 32 9
Primary 141 39.8
Secondary and above 181 51.2
Occupational status Housewife 160 45.3
Merchant 36 10.2
Government employee 53 14.9
Private employee 48 13.7
Student 39 10.9
Others†‡ 18 4.97
Current marital status Married 321 90.7
Single 20 5.6
Divorced 11 3.1
Widowed 2 0.6
Family size <3 96 27.2
4–5 165 46.5
>5 93 26.3
Wealth status Lower tertile 93 26.2
Middle tertile 145 41
Higher tertile 116 32.8

*Catholic, Wakefata and Jiohava.

†Kambata, Hadiya, Tigre, Agnuak and Nuer.

‡Daily labourerand farmer.