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. 2022 Sep 23;6(1):e001588. doi: 10.1136/bmjpo-2022-001588

Table 5.

Child feeding and growth chart knowledge of mothers, Mettu town, 2021 (n=354)

Variable Category Frequency Percentage
Counselled by HCWs on child feeding No 44 12.4
Yes 310 87.6
The first thing given after birth Breast milk 347 98.1
Other* 7 1.86
Time for BF initiation immediately after birth Within 1 hour 342 96.7
Greater than 1 hour 11 3.1
Duration of EBF 3 months 7 1.9
6 months 344 97.2
1 year 3 0.9
Total duration of BF Below 2 years 33 9.33
2 years and greater 321 90.68
Use family health card at home No 188 53.1
Yes 166 46.9
Can read information displayed on growth chart No 13 7.95
Yes 153 92.05
Who thought you HCWs 99 64.95
By myself 46 30.01
HEWs 8 5.04
What does it mean if growth curve flattens Child not growing well 72 46.8
Child may be sick 31 20.3
Child not eating well 50 32.9
What does it mean if growth curve rises Child gaining weight 89 58.4
Child is healthy 16 10.6
Child is eating well 48 31.0
What does it mean if growth curve is falling Child is not gaining weight 66 43.2
Child may be sick or has been sick 36 23.4
Child is not eating well 51 33.4

*Formula milk, water or cow milk.

BF, breast feeding; EBF, exclusive breast feeding; HCWs, healthcare workers; HEWs, health extension workers.