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. 2022 Aug 22;100(10):590–600. doi: 10.2471/BLT.22.287816

Table 3. Description of the paper registers reviewed and digital modules developed at three study sites in Bangladesh, Indonesia and Pakistan, 2015–2018.

Stage Gaibandha district, Bangladesh Central Lombok district, Indonesia Karachi and Shikarpur districts, Pakistan
Stage 1: Needs assessment
Register review 22 paper registers reviewed 20 paper registers reviewed: 16 paper registers reviewed:
Family welfare assistants’ registers: couple roster; child roster (age 0–1 years); child roster (age 0–5 years); adolescent health service delivery roster; pregnant woman roster; household population roster; 2-monthly summary reporting forms for family welfare assistants

Family welfare visitors’ registers: antenatal care register; delivery register; child register; general patient register; 3 summary reporting forms

Health assistants’ registers: adolescent girl and woman registration and vaccination information; neonatal registration and vaccination information; daily vaccine and other care reports
Antenatal care registers: new antenatal care; antenatal care visit; birth plan; delivery and postnatal care

Family planning registers: new family planning method form; updated family planning method form; closed family planning method form

Postnatal care registers: postnatal care registration; postnatal care visit; postpartum family planning

Child registry registers: child registration; neonatal visit; baby visit; child visit; child immunization
Lady health workers’ registers: family register; monthly report by lady health workers; community chart; register for diagnosis; family planning register; lady health workers monthly programme register; health committee meeting report; women’s group meeting report; list of children less than 3 years of age; list of pregnant women

Lady health visitors’ registers: child health register; outpatient department register; stock register

Vaccinators’ registers: daily register; permanent register; stock register
No. of professionals interviewed or observeda 15 health workers observed:
5 family welfare assistants
5 family welfare visitors
5 health assistants
23 health workers interviewed or observed:
5 community-based midwives (bidan)
5 nutritionists (gizi)
5 vaccinators (jurim)
6 community health volunteers (kader)
1 medical chief or head of Central Lombok district health office
1 district midwife coordinator
19 health workers interviewed or observed:
5 vaccinators
5 lady health workers
5 lady health visitors
1 lady health supervisor
1 deputy provincial head of the expanded programme on immunization
1 provincial director of the lady health workers programme
1 deputy provincial director of lady health visitor programme
Stage 2: Prototype development
No. of modules 2 digital prototypes 3 digital prototypes 2 digital prototypes
Details A module for family welfare assistants to record community health worker activities related to household registration, pregnancy registration, antenatal care danger signs, referral and commodity distribution, and postnatal care;
a module for family welfare visitors to record antenatal care
A module for community-based midwives to record registration of mothers, antenatal care, postnatal care, care for children under 5 years of age, and family planning;
a module for nutritionists to record child registration, anthropometry and anaemia tracking, electronic growth charts, nutrition education and promotion media;
a module for vaccinators that included child registration, child expanded programme on immunization schedule and vaccine tracking
A module for lady health workers to register households including women and children for pregnancy registration, antenatal and postnatal care and family planning;
a vaccinator module for registration and follow-up of women and children at expanded programme on immunization centres and immunization clinics
Stage 3: Feasibility assessment
No of health workers trained on the module 45 family welfare assistants; numbers were increased from the research protocol on request from the health ministry
18 supervisors of family welfare assistants
13 midwives
12 nutritionists
12 vaccinators
6 vaccinators
3 lady health workers
No. of health workers using the module during pilot deployment 44 family welfare assistants 13 midwives
12 nutritionists
12 vaccinators
8 health workers (3 lady health workers and 5 vaccinators)

a Only health workers involved in service delivery were observed; supervisory staff were only interviewed.

Note: Local terms for the health worker cadres are shown in italics.